NFL: Washington Football Team now the Washington Commanders


He/Him/His Pronouns
Dec 29, 2019
Coast Salish Unceded Territory
Thankfully we have proud sweat shop owners Nike leading the charge.

But it was obviously just a matter of time before they would have to change it. The Braves and Indians are next.
I like your sweat shop comment. So apropos.

I think Braves is an interesting case as it can easily be construed as, well what it might look like at face value: Brave people. As far as I am aware there are two sides to the history of the Braves name- American Indian warriors literally known to be Brave, but also the RCMP used the term in a mocking sense when forcing Indigenous peoples off their lands when Canada and the US were expanding westward over the prairies.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2017
An Oblate Spheroid
It's not the same thing though. If that happens what about the Blackhawks?

FWIW the Indians already phased out the cheezy Native American caricature.
Does it really matter if it's not the same thing in this current political climate? Braves have already had to deal with the tomahawk chop thing just last season vs. a relief pitcher with Native American heritage. People can make arguments that these Native American themed names are offensive and/or cultural appropriation, and that's pretty much it once it gains enough steam. It's probably just a matter of time before every team has some extremely bland and inoffensive name. Some people were even getting mad at the Texas Rangers for their name, lol.

I don't want to make it seem like there aren't legitimate gripes about some current team names like the Redskins though.

It's also funny that Nike and FedEx, two companies with notoriously shitty labor practices, are leading the charge on this.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2012
Cleveland white skins

Honestly, it's kinda weird. Cuz u aren't naming urself after something u think is ****. You want to be known as that as fearless and strong. So naming urself after a culture isn't necessarily a bad think as it's reverence. But directly naming urself after a people's skin is definitely WEIRD.

Imagine a German Soccer team that named themselves the Berlin Jew Skins. Definitely weird and inappropriate.

Cleveland has the rock and roll Hall of fame, so maybe Cleveland Red Rockers, or Cleveland Rockers?

Ohio is the birthplace of the Wright brothers, so maybe something to do with planes or flight?
Cleveland Red Rockets?


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
All they have to do is change the name. Snyder can keep the history he so desperately wants to cling to by modernizing the logo like such; Obviously ignore the name. I initially saw this on reddit but it had the name chopped off. This is the only one i could fine.


While i don't speak for Native-Americans obviously i think that looks clean as hell. Makes the Native look actually prideful and badass rather than the caricature they have now.


This too. Keeps the history in tact but with a cleaner, less offensive look.

If all else fails they can just go back to their spear they use to wear as an alternate as their main logo.


Registered User
Jul 18, 2011
Killarney, MB
Thankfully we have proud sweat shop owners Nike leading the charge.

But it was obviously just a matter of time before they would have to change it. The Braves and Indians are next.

1000% percent accurate.

Hopefully they dont drag this out and change the name by Monday at the latest. Good decision to do so.


Mar 1, 2002
If he was as smart as he thinks he is, he would have changed the name the Washington Americans years ago and said the name is honoring everyone here. So easy.
Sep 19, 2008
It's also funny that Nike and FedEx, two companies with notoriously shitty labor practices, are leading the charge on this.
The same companies that care so much about you during the Coronavirus "in these trying times" :laugh:

"In these trying times...BUY A NEW CAR"

It is all sheer marketing to appeal to people, but it made the team is going to begin the process of exploring a new name possibly


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
1000% percent accurate.

Hopefully they dont drag this out and change the name by Monday at the latest. Good decision to do so.

If they do then you know Snyder has been thinking this was coming. If not though, that whole process won’t done by then.


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