Journalism has benefits, so I am off to Chicago from Saturday to Wednesday. Conveniently, my Flyers play you guys on Tuesday.
How is your scalping culture/prices. Pittsburgh, Philly, Nashville, even Montreal I have been able to show up to an arena around gametime and get in the door with a $50 cap. You guys have had insane success, so I don't know if that will carry over. Should I Stubhub it? I do like to keep it around $50 max, whatever the best seat I can get is. Not much for standing room.
I will have a jersey with me and I will be wearing it unless you tell me otherwise. I am from Philly so my perspective on visiting fan treatment is screwed up. I will be going alone. I am not obnoxious.
I have never been in Chicago before. I like (dwell in) smokey dive bars and have a $15/$25/$35 breakfast/lunch/dinner company food budget. What's good?
My hotel is right near the Art Institute.
Any help appreciated!