Vegas about to circumvent cap again? UPD: Mark Stone back practicing.

Dec 15, 2002
I read this three times and I honestly can't understand what you're on about. Are you just trying to say that everyone complaining is a whiny baby?
First off, if this is way too much for you to read through, perhaps it's time to use the "ignore" feature here.

To your question: yeah, yeah I am. Everyone who is complaining about this incessantly is a whiny baby, but I have a bigger problem with everyone that continues to offer utterly shitting "solutions" to the "problem" that in fact creates more problems that they intentionally ignore because goddamnit, I'm fixing the problem!

I also said that nothing will change until a new CBA, so not sure whether you read that part. It is what it is until then.
So ... why are you still going on about it?
"I think it's not fair and my feelings are hurt" is a weird way to interpret a lot of people making logical arguments for why this rule/the lottery should change at the point in time when it is changeable.
"I think it's not fair and my feelings are hurt" is exactly how to describe a lot of this. It's like every time someone goes out of their way to bitch and whine about someone getting attention ... and, in the process, they give that person they very attention they don't want them to have.

If you're waiting for life to "make things fair" so you can have a chance, you're never going to have the chance you think you deserve. Losers whine and complain and make excuses, when they win they still complain about "fairness" and demand others do more to make them feel better and make things more fair ... to them. Winners rise to the occasion, fight to overcome, dig deep within and find the will and resolve to persevere no matter what the obstacle is; when they're not successful, they regroup and evaluate and seek to be better the next time so they can be successful. One of those two approaches gets you farther in life. I know which one I choose to follow.

Re: "logical arguments" - the "logic" is only "logical" to those making the arguments. Whenever the gap in logic is pointed out, those people scream YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND and SWEAR TO f***ING GOD it's everyone else who doesn't understand. A handful of us have repeatedly pointed out the gap in logic from all the whining through ... [looks at the page count] 122 pages, and we'll probably do it for another 122 more at the rate this keeps going.
Your stance seems to be "the world is what it is, deal with it, if you don't like it, it's a your feelings problem" which is on its own a strange stance to take and fairly inaccurate and reductive.
My stance is - and stop me if you've heard any of this before - is that among other things:
* Whatever the rules are at a given point in time, you have to play within those rules and not the want to exist,
* Quit substituting morals for legality and then demand people do the "morally correct" thing because it suits your morals,
* Solve a problem that exists, not a problem that you imagine exists,
* A problem that merely hurts your feelings - fans shouldn't room for their team to lose being a great example of this, I don't think teams should get to ________ being another - is not an actual problem, and you need to suck it up and deal with it,
* Have a solution that fixes the problem that exists, not a "solution" that "fixes" the problem but creates other problems, especially when all you care about is "fixing" the "problem that exists,"
* In the end ... and yeah, it does need to be said again ... until the rules change, you have to play within the rules that exist, not the ones you want to exist. Do that, because it's going to get you a whole lot farther than any other alternative in the moment.
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Registered User
Jul 25, 2007
First off, if this is way too much for you to read through, perhaps it's time to use the "ignore" feature here.

To your question: yeah, yeah I am. Everyone who is complaining about this incessantly is a whiny baby, but I have a bigger problem with everyone that continues to offer utterly shitting "solutions" to the "problem" that in fact creates more problems that they intentionally ignore because goddamnit, I'm fixing the problem!

So ... why are you still going on about it?
Not for nothing bro, but you are doing the exact thing you are criticizing. You and everyone else on here is shouting into the abyss -- others for shouting for change, you're shouting for everyone to listen to you shouting (but you continue to fail to actually point out the "problems people are intentionally ignoring").

"I think it's not fair and my feelings are hurt" is exactly how to describe a lot of this. It's like every time someone goes out of their way to bitch and whine about someone getting attention ... and, in the process, they give that person they very attention they don't want them to have.

If you're waiting for life to "make things fair" so you can have a chance, you're never going to have the chance you think you deserve. Losers whine and complain and make excuses, when they win they still complain about "fairness" and demand others do more to make them feel better and make things more fair ... to them. Winners rise to the occasion, fight to overcome, dig deep within and find the will and resolve to persevere no matter what the obstacle is; when they're not successful, they regroup and evaluate and seek to be better the next time so they can be successful. One of those two approaches gets you farther in life. I know which one I choose to follow.
Holy moly, what a screed. Next time I need a pep talk I'm just gonna watch the speech from Any Given Sunday, no offense. What a winner's attitude, we're all just losers over here compared to this guy! Good thing you know us all so well.

Re: "logical arguments" - the "logic" is only "logical" to those making the arguments. Whenever the gap in logic is pointed out, those people scream YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND and SWEAR TO f***ING GOD it's everyone else who doesn't understand. A handful of us have repeatedly pointed out the gap in logic from all the whining through ... [looks at the page count] 122 pages, and we'll probably do it for another 122 more at the rate this keeps going.
I posited a logical argument and your response was literally "ignore all that, here's a different argument entirely." Would have gotten you a C- at best in a logic and reasoning course.

My stance is - and stop me if you've heard any of this before - is that among other things:
* Whatever the rules are at a given point in time, you have to play within those rules and not the want to exist,
* Quit substituting morals for legality and then demand people do the "morally correct" thing because it suits your morals,
* Solve a problem that exists, not a problem that you imagine exists,
* A problem that merely hurts your feelings - fans shouldn't room for their team to lose being a great example of this, I don't think teams should get to ________ being another - is not an actual problem, and you need to suck it up and deal with it,
* Have a solution that fixes the problem that exists, not a "solution" that "fixes" the problem but creates other problems, especially when all you care about is "fixing" the "problem that exists,"
* In the end ... and yeah, it does need to be said again ... until the rules change, you have to play within the rules that exist, not the ones you want to exist. Do that, because it's going to get you a whole lot farther than any other alternative in the moment.
Laws are moral constructs dude, hate to break it to you, thousands of years of writing on this topic. It's higher on the hierarchy of needs to be able to point out where laws are wrong (even as you follow those laws). When laws don't reflect the prevailing morals of the day, the people ask for change. Some political systems allow a vote on it, others (such as the NHL) are like cartels and require the people in power to make the decision unilaterally. Make no mistake, the NHL and any group of organizations making money is a political organization, and therefore a moral one (that's also some law/politics/civics 101 for you).

In all your "stance" - you didn't actually point out very clearly what you think the knock-on effects of closing the LTIR loophole are. You keep gesturing at the idea, maybe there's a there there, I'd be interested to hear it in clear terms.

My stance is - and stop me if you've heard this one before - you're projecting your hurt feels for people not being the way you want them to be. I don't have hurt feels about Vegas or TBL on LTIR circumvention, I just think it's dumb and there can be better things in the world than dumb broken things. In fact, it's happened before!

Right back at ya on the ignore suggestion!


He fixes the cable?
Jul 12, 2019
i've never read a ted hoffman post completely, but the formatting is really eye grabbing, kudos
Dude thinks he’s the leading authority on hockey, it would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

Right back at ya on the ignore suggestion!
Don’t bother with him. He talks about people whining and then proceeds to write a novel about it. The irony of his whole “life’s not fair” stance as if the reality of players getting injured doesn’t fall into that category.
Dec 15, 2002
You and everyone else on here is shouting into the abyss -- others for shouting for change, you're shouting for everyone to listen to you shouting (but you continue to fail to actually point out the "problems people are intentionally ignoring").

I posited a logical argument and your response was literally "ignore all that, here's a different argument entirely." Would have gotten you a C- at best in a logic and reasoning course.
I got an A in both of my logic classes, tyvm. Perhaps you should understand the difference between logic and real-world decision-making. Or, don't. I couldn't care less.

Laws are moral constructs dude, hate to break it to you, thousands of years of writing on this topic.
There are a number of things in life that involve concepts of morality but which have absolutely nothing to do with laws.

Dude. Hate to break that to you. Also thousands of years of writing on that topic.

It's higher on the hierarchy of needs
This is where this discussion has officially jumped the shark.


Registered User
Jul 25, 2007

I got an A in both of my logic classes, tyvm. Perhaps you should understand the difference between logic and real-world decision-making. Or, don't. I couldn't care less.

There are a number of things in life that involve concepts of morality but which have absolutely nothing to do with laws.

Dude. Hate to break that to you. Also thousands of years of writing on that topic.

This is where this discussion has officially jumped the shark.
I love that I baited you into bragging about unverifiable grades on an anonymous message board.

I'd also love to meet you some day and compare achievements, but until that day, I'm gonna go ahead and ignore your posts from here on out.
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He fixes the cable?
Jul 12, 2019
She didn’t even know there was an injury, probably.
The way I see it, if there was a real injury, she wouldn't be just joking around with the people who are trolling those who question the injury. If I were her, I'd be pissed more than anything that some are questioning both her husband's toughness and integrity.

I'm probably reading too much into it though.
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Registered User
Feb 26, 2015
The way I see it, if there was a real injury, she wouldn't be just joking around with the people who are trolling those who question the injury. If I were her, I'd be pissed more than anything that some are questioning both her husband's toughness and integrity.

I'm probably reading too much into it though.
Someone probably has to. The league certainly isn’t!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
Because he tried to rehab his injury without surgery...

LTIR is available to all 32 franchises. I'd argue most teams would prefer one of their best players remains healthy.
Way to not only miss the point but ignore everything else that was said. Your point is irrelevant.

It's not about whether or not other teams can use LTIR, it's about the ability to turn a disadvantage for one team into a disadvantage for 15 teams. If you end up with a set of circumstances that allows you to turn what should be a slight disadvantage (losing a player to injury for part of the season) into a significant advantage (icing a more expensive team than should be possible during the most important games of the year), then whatever system allowed it to happen is a system that sucks. If you abuse that system intentionally, you also suck. If you defend it...well.

The important distinction is intentional vs unintentional. To argue that a team should be able to gain a significant advantage intentionally during the most important games of the season because they had an unintentional disadvantage during the less important games is preposterous.

Imagine going to the Olympics and watching a sprinter get a full second head start because in a race earlier in the year he twisted his ankle and missed some practice time.
Dec 15, 2002
Imagine going to the Olympics and watching a sprinter get a full second head start because in a race earlier in the year he twisted his ankle and missed some practice time.
The better example would be "imagine going to the Olympics and watching a sprinter get passed into the final because he had an injury and couldn't qualify for his country automatically." Which, would be a better example, but still not a good one unless there was a provision in the rules for a country to designate an individual to compete in the final due to prior injury.

In which case, it would be a stupid rule but still a completely permissible action because the rules allow it.

Meanwhile, Vegas - that team that allegedly will "get a full second head start" even though it gained nothing for an advantage in terms of "# of wins needed to clinch the series," is now down 3-2. Which, frankly, is kind of shocking because the first two games of the series were in Dallas and the Golden Knights went home up 2-0 in the series, but truly shocking because scores of people here were incredibly adamant about this advantage Vegas was getting going into the postseason as if there was no f***ing way Dallas had any hope of winning a game, much less being a game away from winning the series.

Which goes right back to the point I've made off and on for 122 pages: quit complaining about what you wish reality was, deal with what reality is. That second part is all that matters, and you'll get a hell of a lot farther playing in that world than in the imaginary one.
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May 3, 2019
They won a cup and that's the goal so criticism can only go so far, especially they've used this weakness to circumvent IR but it is always going to be difficult to establish high level chemistry when you have sick notes like Stone and Eichel. Neither of them have impressed me this season.


HFBoards Sponsor
Apr 7, 2007
Atlanta, GA
It was clever, at first. They’ve taken it too far.

I’d make a rule that anybody on LTIR at the TDL has to suit up for game 82 or they’re ineligible for the first round. At that point, you’re either injured or you’re not.

Not sure that would entirely fix it with the way salary proration works. I’d have to sit down with a calculator. I don’t want salary proration to come under fire because I do want contenders to load up at the TDL.
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Dec 15, 2002
I’d make a rule that anybody on LTIR at the TDL has to suit up for game 82 or they’re ineligible for the first round.
HF admins should strike a deal with someone where the site gets paid every time this idea gets proposed, because no matter how many times some of us explain why it's never happening people keep proposing it like it's a great idea that couldn't possibly cause any problems.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
The better example would be "imagine going to the Olympics and watching a sprinter get passed into the final because he had an injury and couldn't qualify for his country automatically." Which, would be a better example, but still not a good one unless there was a provision in the rules for a country to designate an individual to compete in the final due to prior injury.

In which case, it would be a stupid rule but still a completely permissible action because the rules allow it.

Meanwhile, Vegas - that team that allegedly will "get a full second head start" even though it gained nothing for an advantage in terms of "# of wins needed to clinch the series," is now down 3-2. Which, frankly, is kind of shocking because the first two games of the series were in Dallas and the Golden Knights went home up 2-0 in the series, but truly shocking because scores of people here were incredibly adamant about this advantage Vegas was getting going into the postseason as if there was no f***ing way Dallas had any hope of winning a game, much less being a game away from winning the series.

Which goes right back to the point I've made off and on for 122 pages: quit complaining about what you wish reality was, deal with what reality is. That second part is all that matters, and you'll get a hell of a lot farther playing in that world than in the imaginary one.

Your post would make a lot more sense if you weren't strawmanning people's position on this issue.

I have not seen a single post that claims they broke the rules or that they should suffer any form of league initiated punishment. This is not the Houston Astros.

The position of most people here is that Vegas is scummy for exploiting something designed to promote competitive fairness and the league is stupid for not protecting against it.

Claiming that being able to exceed the salary cap is not a competitive advantage is ridiculous. It doesn't need to give them a lower threshold for victory to be considered an advantageous. Your entire argument seems to be "They still need to win 4 games so it's not an advantage." That's like saying "They still need to cross the finish line first, so it's not an advantage". Yeah, obviously. The issue is that it has intentionally been made slightly easier for them to do so. Sorry, but you don't get to arbitrarily decide that "advantage" can only be applied to one specific criteria; especially when it makes zero sense.


HFBoards Sponsor
Apr 7, 2007
Atlanta, GA
HF admins should strike a deal with someone where the site gets paid every time this idea gets proposed, because no matter how many times some of us explain why it's never happening people keep proposing it like it's a great idea that couldn't possibly cause any problems.

If the NHL can make a guy sit a regular season game for missing the all star game, why can’t they make him sit 4-7 for missing a quarter of the season? Tell me who that would cause problems for (other than Vegas).


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