Ignore that. It seriously does not matter what Stone's actual status is. All that matters is the league is not doing a goddamn thing about it. I don't care how convinced you are that you're right, unless there is irrefutable proof the league isn't doing anything.
Deal with that reality, play that hand. If you choose not to, that's your problem to deal with.
I agree with all of that, and everything else you say. Unfortunately, that's not how things work.
Should it be changed? Yeah, it probably should. [Cue up 887 people lobbing the same shitty idea as a non-solution.] Is it getting changed on April 30, 2024? No. Is it getting changed by April 30, 2025? Very likely no. We can both scream until we're blue in the face about how unfair it is, it doesn't matter. The rules are what they are, nothing is likely changing for at least 2 years, if then. Until then, you have to play by the rules that exist no matter how excrementally unfair you think they are.
People think the lottery is somehow unfair and every one of those threads goes pages upon pages, and it basically boils down to I think it's not fair and my feelings are hurt.
If you want to believe what I've been trying to tell you and others is "complete nonsense" then let experience be a total bitch and teach the lesson you refuse to learn.