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i don't know if it's so much scary as opposed to this entire experiment/campaign having separated the logical from the illogical. Friends I knew before this who I was 100% convinced were logical thinkers have been exposed as nothing but simple minded, scared little lemmings and I still can't believe some of them have turtled up like they have. Just when you thought you knew someone.
just like a knife through a block of butter, society has been cut up and separated into so many different groups. some brave, some afraid, some offended, some laughing, some with light skin, some with dark skin, some with mid-tone skin, some feeling guilty and some feeling no remorse over so many imposed, fake guilt trips. at the end of the day, the past year and a half has totally weakened and fragmented society and forced them all into their little groups. whereas before all of this nonsense it looked like society as a whole was a hell of a lot more united even though it had its problems. a united society is a threat because they are strong. and strong societies overthrow governments and demand and achieve their rights. Just like unions at work. why do you think every single corporation in the west does everything they can to keep a union out of their workplace?? because they don't want their workers/society to have too much power, because socieities with too much power can eventually overthrow governments in charge. same thing here. the governments do not want their societies to have too much power. so when they detect that the people are becoming strong, as apparently we were, they slice the knife through the block of butter by doing what they have done these past 18 months: virus,vaccines,social justice are just a few methods that they chose to employ. Which results in us all hating each other and our power and strength together is now gone. anyone who thinks this b.s. this past year that has exploded all over youtube, twitter, our workplaces, signage on the roads, stickers on the floors and messages over the intercoms in retail stores has been unintentional and an honest policy to fight off some virus that kills less than 1% is still in a coma.
If you think the virus is about the 1% death rate then you're missing the point. The entire point of locking down is so the hospitals don't get over run by people with COVID taking up a hospital bed. If people had Covid and weren't going to the hospital then everything would be fine (AKA like the Flu). Yes you are more then likely going to live if you get covid but the moment doctors are deciding who gets treatment that day for covid or for someone whose come in because they had a stroke or whatever medical reason, is the day we are in serious trouble. At the end of the day vaccines save lives and if you don't want to take one that's your choice to do so as well but the way the world is changing is it looks like they are trying to exile people without vaccines which I don't agree with either.
I am quite curious to see how everything plays out when hockey is back. Wonder if they will have a 50% cap inside or how they do it.