Useless thread MMIII: John Price deep throats hotdogs appreciation thread

We solemnly swear it will be a magical day!​

Join us on Sunday, September 14th for Harry Potter™ Day and watch the magic unfold as we take on the Tigers at 1:40 PM. Ticket package includes an exclusive Harry Potter™ x Marlins jersey.

And don’t worry about the Sorting Hat — you get to choose your house colors.
People getting worked by the Cena heel turn is hilarious.

"You gotta remember also, the man was shit on for almost 2 decades. He could autograph the merchandise, shake the hands, grant the wishes, be a role model for kids, do every interview, pose for every picture, fight until he bled, but it was just wasn't enough for some."

People liked him and that's somehow a bad thing?
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Gotta be honest, I've stopped giving a shit about Cena wrestling a loooong time ago, and this weird heel turn isn't changing that.

Just go back to making movies, please.
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f*** you, Red Wings

Another game that they can step up and win, but just completely cock it up.

Maybe you guys can save my time and just get squashed like the jobbers you are.
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adding hide avatars option

