Kairi Zaide
Go **** yourself.
Just giving ideas for flavor packed smoothies
Simple banana blueberry daikon and cacao powder is great too
Go **** yourself.
Spring break. On my way to Quebec. Only will work next Friday at the hotel. @doland
I hope you enjoy your break
There are two fruits I absolutely suck at determining whether they're ripe and not terrible :
1) mango
2) avocado
There is no break when you're a Polytechnique student
Avocado is easy. If its hard, its not done yet. If its too mushy, its old. You want to look for one that you can squeeze just a tad.
Avocado is easy. If its hard, its not done yet. If its too mushy, its old. You want to look for one that you can squeeze just a tad.
Avocado is easy. If its hard, its not done yet. If its too mushy, its old. You want to look for one that you can squeeze just a tad.
If there are tiny dots translucent inside the avocado, or dark spots, I'm not eating it.
Incredibly wasteful.
If there are tiny dots translucent inside the avocado, or dark spots, I'm not eating it.
It looks like what bacteria cultivae look like in a petri dishWhat's the deal with the tiny dots btw?
It looks like what bacteria cultivae look like in a petri dish
It's not like you can't see what games I ownWhat games do you have
Steam has some biology games you might like lol