I haven't had FSW all season since I have DISH. Just been waiting for them to finally get the RSNs bak but they haven't and they might never have them again unless they merge with DTV.
I've been using my parents DTV log in to watch on FSW Go but it is a real hassle to watch on delay. Bonus is that it actually looks better on the app via a 4k First Stick than it does through the DISH box.
Since they are so bad, it hasn't been as horrific as I thought it would be but I don't think I can do another season of this because I'm assuming they will be more entertaining next year.
The streaming services are a pain in the ass because none of them have everything you want and then you wind up paying a decent amount regardless to try and get everything. I know it is the future but it isn't awesome and they'll find a way to make it just as expensive as cable/dish has become while not having as good of an interface as say the Hopper 3 set top box I currently use.
As for Sinclair, they do suck but the writing was on the wall for this to happen even if Fox had retained ownership or Disney didn't have to get rid of it after the purchase. DISH, for example, has had multiple run-ins with FOX owned stations just since I started following this shit at the start of the NHL season. The providers want these to be an a la carte service while the RSNs want it to be mandatory. To compete with cord cutting, the providers don't want to have to raise base packages to offset the ever-rising costs of RSNs. The model is broken at this point and Sinclair just happens to be the one holding the bag when the music stopped. Hell, DISH doesn't even offer HBO anymore since HBO lets you get it directly from them for $15 a month with HBO Now. When DISH removed it from its lineup, the guide banner even said to go order HBO Now haha.