Unpopular Wrestling Opinions

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they have a show about just promos on youtube.
they actually have 2 if you count "the road to..."

literally no one can bitch about a company having worse writing than WWE.
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AEW has talented wrestlers but all signs to me are its writing and booking is worse than WWEs. Little promos, not much attempts to build a real storyline or make someone more face or heel.

For the time being, they're still mostly using BTE to do the storyline stuff.

It would be nice if they eventually set it up so that BTE isn't required viewing.
Kaze Ni Nare is a bad wrestling theme for Suzuki.

It's gotten easier to be a heel in wrestling, at least compared to 10-15 years ago.
i will fight you...!!

they have a show about just promos on youtube.
they actually have 2 if you count "the road to..."

literally no one can ***** about a company having worse writing than WWE.

I'm not counting youtube promos. I mainly mean on the show

WWE spends like 5x the effort on live promos as AEW, and they are clearly making a greater attempt to tell coherent multi week storylines in my opinion, succeed or fail. Since about the time AEW started

- Bayley has meltdown, embraces the meaningless of existence and turns on the fans
- Bryan starts redeeming himself but is torn between going back to Yes Movement or forward
- Brock attacks Rey and his son, Rey gets Cain Valaquez to get revenge for his family. Brock is looking to get Cain back and has been thinking about it for 9 years in kayfabe
- Seth Rollins starts being corrupted by Bray Wyatt being doing a dark thing like burning the funhouse down
- Shorty G embraces his height and being yourself

That's not counting stuff like Braun vs Tyson or Hulk vs Flair which is pretty standard, but not that different from some of AEW's best storylines

Some AEW storylines

- Jericho puts together the Inner Circle and brings in Jake Hager who has mostly just been a thug so far
- Cody got arrested for attacking him in luxury box
- Moxley put Omega through a table, but now is kind of cool with him so he has conflicted thoughts
- Chris from SCU got piledrivered onto the ground so now his teammates have to win the tournament for him

This week was probably the best so far in that department since there was the Jericho/Rhodes scene, Brandi attacked Jaime Hayter, and while I'm confused about their feelings towards each other there was some attempt with Moxley and Omega to build towards their feud. It also set up Moxley and Neville storyline. Before this week I would have said there was very little storytelling attempt made by AEW, just a lot of matches. It is early and it's possible the weeks before Full Gear would ramp up things more. But so far everything that's happened on an AEW show feels like it could have been written the morning of the show. There is nothing that they needed to have it all mapped out 3-4 weeks ago other than possibly SCU and Lucha Brothers facing each other after they hurt their teammate.

An example of a slight tweak to AEW so far

- Jericho's inner circle is countered by a very clear anti-Inner Circle group of faces such as Cody, Dustin, MJF (for now), Paige, Omega, Young Bucks, etc. You have matches every week between these two sides like Dustin facing Guevara, Omega facing Hagar, etc. The storyline of Full Gear is faces vs the Inner Circle basically

- Moxley and Omega feud is made more clear one way or the other. If you want the storyline to be a face in Omega vs a tweener you can't figure out in Moxley, then make it really clear they're both faces like making them team up but with tension, or make Omega tell Mox to his face he doesn't understand which side he's on. Or just turn Mox heel. Right now this feud has kind of gone all over the place with Moxley getting distracted with Pac and Omega with Janella and any heat between them at the moment that led to Mox putting him through a glass table seems to be extinguished.

- Have a better set up for Pac vs Paige. Moxley was the one who led to him and Pac's loss in the tag team. This could have been a way to set up heat with Page instead. Paige challenging him at Full Gear wasn't even on TV. Right now the feud comes off like two guys who needed to face someone to be on the card to me.

- I would have done something like make Britt Baker be friends with Riho their first few matches, then turn on her setting up a match at Full Gear. Right now I'm not sure what the plan is with Riho's match as the only story they set up was with Brandi, and Baker is supposed to be feuding Bea Priestly but is not the champion

I'm not saying they had to do these things, I have enjoyed the show strictly for wrestling, but storytelling is good for ratings as not everyone is a smark. If AEW has a bold clear plan about heel and face not being as cemented and depending on the situation that's fine, but that's a pretty risky style to sell to wrestling audiences except the biggest hardcores.
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Here's an unpopular opinion....

The Montreal ScrewJob, either directly or indirectly, was a contributing factor into Owen Hart's death 18 months later, because Vince wanted to isolate Owen from his family.

And the one who built his rise off Owen's fatal fall? Paul 'Triple H' Levesque.

There's a phrase I use when it comes to being a fan of WWE....'I can take the McMahon's treachery, but not their incompetence. Treachery requires NO mistakes.'. What does that mean in reference to my main point?

I can handle WWE backstabbing my expectations of them all they want, as long as I, the humble fan, get something positive out of it in the end. There was nothing positive about Owen's death to me at all(the act of incompetence). Therefore, Owen's death was the mistake WWE made back in 1999.

It took me 4 years, from 1999-2003, for me to form that conclusion for myself over that incident, and since 2003, I've been mad as hell about it.

It's why, whenever WWE chooses to make fun of Canada, in any way, shape, or form, they might as well have Vince go to Section I, Block 25, Plot 17 of the Queen's Park Cemetery in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and urinate over Owen's memory. Because, to me, all anti-Canada humour in WWE should've been permanently thrown out as a tool used to generate heat, out of permanent and eternal respect to Owen's memory.

And Owen's death is the one and only single reason why Paul rose to power at all. Nothing else matters in that conversation, except that one point. It's why I'm not a fan of either his TV character or the IRL man himself. Took me 9 years to want to look at an image of him purposely because of that.

So, yeah....there you go on that front. And it's bound to anger some here to read this, but look at the title of this thread. Just me taking a load off my chest on that.

I'm not counting youtube promos. I mainly mean on the show

WWE spends like 5x the effort on live promos as AEW, and they are clearly making a greater attempt to tell coherent multi week storylines in my opinion, succeed or fail. Since about the time AEW started

- Bayley has meltdown, embraces the meaningless of existence and turns on the fans
- Bryan starts redeeming himself but is torn between going back to Yes Movement or forward
- Brock attacks Rey and his son, Rey gets Cain Valaquez to get revenge for his family. Brock is looking to get Cain back and has been thinking about it for 9 years in kayfabe
- Seth Rollins starts being corrupted by Bray Wyatt being doing a dark thing like burning the funhouse down
- Shorty G embraces his height and being yourself

That's not counting stuff like Braun vs Tyson or Hulk vs Flair which is pretty standard, but not that different from some of AEW's best storylines

Some AEW storylines

- Jericho puts together the Inner Circle and brings in Jake Hager who has mostly just been a thug so far
- Cody got arrested for attacking him in luxury box
- Moxley put Omega through a table, but now is kind of cool with him so he has conflicted thoughts
- Chris from SCU got piledrivered onto the ground so now his teammates have to win the tournament for him

This week was probably the best so far in that department since there was the Jericho/Rhodes scene, Brandi attacked Jaime Hayter, and while I'm confused about their feelings towards each other there was some attempt with Moxley and Omega to build towards their feud. It also set up Moxley and Neville storyline. Before this week I would have said there was very little storytelling attempt made by AEW, just a lot of matches. It is early and it's possible the weeks before Full Gear would ramp up things more. But so far everything that's happened on an AEW show feels like it could have been written the morning of the show. There is nothing that they needed to have it all mapped out 3-4 weeks ago other than possibly SCU and Lucha Brothers facing each other after they hurt their teammate.

An example of a slight tweak to AEW so far

- Jericho's inner circle is countered by a very clear anti-Inner Circle group of faces such as Cody, Dustin, MJF (for now), Paige, Omega, Young Bucks, etc. You have matches every week between these two sides like Dustin facing Guevara, Omega facing Hagar, etc. The storyline of Full Gear is faces vs the Inner Circle basically

- Moxley and Omega feud is made more clear one way or the other. If you want the storyline to be a face in Omega vs a tweener you can't figure out in Moxley, then make it really clear they're both faces like making them team up but with tension, or make Omega tell Mox to his face he doesn't understand which side he's on. Or just turn Mox heel. Right now this feud has kind of gone all over the place with Moxley getting distracted with Pac and Omega with Janella and any heat between them at the moment that led to Mox putting him through a glass table seems to be extinguished.

- Have a better set up for Pac vs Paige. Moxley was the one who led to him and Pac's loss in the tag team. This could have been a way to set up heat with Page instead. Paige challenging him at Full Gear wasn't even on TV. Right now the feud comes off like two guys who needed to face someone to be on the card to me.

- I would have done something like make Britt Baker be friends with Riho their first few matches, then turn on her setting up a match at Full Gear. Right now I'm not sure what the plan is with Riho's match as the only story they set up was with Brandi, and Baker is supposed to be feuding Bea Priestly but is not the champion

I'm not saying they had to do these things, I have enjoyed the show strictly for wrestling, but storytelling is good for ratings as not everyone is a smark. If AEW has a bold clear plan about heel and face not being as cemented and depending on the situation that's fine, but that's a pretty risky style to sell to wrestling audiences except the biggest hardcores.
I mean that is literally just going down a list of things WWE would do and has proven that it doesn't work anymore. Just because they are trying to blur the lines between face and heel compared to how WWE has traditionally done it doesn't make it wrong. Hell how long has it been in WWE that the heels get bigger pops then the faces because the heel acts like a bad ass....which then turns them face and they change the character to be a face and they lose the heat.

AEW seems to more so just be letting the fans choose(to a degree). MJF works like a heel but is one of the most over guys in the company, in WWE they would then "turn him face" and totally neuter him. When he turns on Cody he will get heel heat. Because his actions warranted it, not because he and creative decided it was time for him to start being an ass again. Also not sure how you can say the "heat is extinguished" for Omega and Moxley. It was literally two weeks ago that he got put through the table. Again over exposure is another classic WWE thing that people hate but also think "is how a feud needs to be booked". It's not. You don't have to have them doing something with each other literally every single week to build a proper feud. I would put money on the fact that the crowd will go nuts at the next encounter between the two....going to be wednesday with Mox getting a live mic and that the crowd will be white hot come the PPV. To me it just seems like you want AEW to book their show like WWE books a show. I respect your opinion if that is what you like....but no thanks for me.
Yeah, I don't like Triple H, either.

And as much as I dislike fans bringing irrelevant signs, I also dislike fans bringing poorly made signs.

Typos, crooked/inconsistent lettering, running out of space, or simply being illegible.

Wow, you managed to find posterboard and a sharpie? Now, grab a pencil and plot what you're going to write so it doesn't look like the work of a toddler.
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I find Punk overrated by the ICW. I don't get why the same community that hates guys like HHH and Jeff Jarrett thinks this guy is legend of the sport. His original WWF character was... nothing. He was like RVD if RVD wasn't a stoner. There was no personality to the character. I enjoyed him when he started doing the Straight Edge Society angle and he dropped a great promo on Cena in 2011, but he really only got huge on the internet because he said the things smarks wanted to hear. I'm not saying his promo skills were bad, but he might have actually gotten over mainstream if he had played a gimmick (portrayed a character) instead of whining about wrestling politics and then calling himself the best in the world constantly (which was his character, sure, but it was not entirely kayfabe). He was good but not outstanding in the ring. Wasn't a huge draw or anything (which smarks hold against guys like JJ but not him) and really changed nothing.

Lesnar does not interest me at all. I haven't watched much wrestling since 2013. From what I have seen, heard and read, this guy seems pretty meh during his latest run. Seems like a typical Unstoppable Force type character with skills that complement his physique but that he doesn't really use these days. I have never thought to myself that I should tune into Raw to see Brock Lesnar. He was really good in his first WWE run, though.

This could be because of nostalgia, but I would rather watch matches or segments involving guys like DiBiase, IRS or Razor Ramon than watch any Attitude Era stuff from 1998 to mid 1999 that doesn't involve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, Jericho or post-DX HHH.
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I find Punk overrated by the ICW. I don't get why the same community that hates guys like HHH and Jeff Jarrett thinks this guy is legend of the sport. His original WWF character was... nothing. He was like RVD if RVD wasn't a stoner. There was no personality to the character. I enjoyed him when he started doing the Straight Edge Society angle and he dropped a great promo on Cena in 2011, but he really only got huge on the internet because he said the things smarks wanted to hear. I'm not saying his promo skills were bad, but he might have actually gotten over mainstream if he had played a gimmick (portrayed a character) instead of whining about wrestling politics and then calling himself the best in the world constantly (which was his character, sure, but it was not entirely kayfabe). He was good but not outstanding in the ring. Wasn't a huge draw or anything (which smarks hold against guys like JJ but not him) and really changed nothing.

Lesnar does not interest me at all. I haven't watched much wrestling since 2013. From what I have seen, heard and read, this guy seems pretty meh during his latest run. Seems like a typical Unstoppable Force type character with skills that complement his physique but that he doesn't really use these days. I have never thought to myself that I should tune into Raw to see Brock Lesnar. He was really good in his first WWE run, though.

This could be because of nostalgia, but I would rather watch matches or segments involving guys like DiBiase, IRS or Razor Ramon than watch any Attitude Era stuff from 1998 to mid 1999 that doesn't involve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, Jericho or post-DX HHH.

Punk was a mic worker. Ultimate mic worker. I think he and DB were the push for the indy guys to be WWE guys. They made it work and made it happen. Now it's common to see Indy guys in WWE. I think they paved the way. The hard way, too.

But Punk coming back now would be pointless. It'd be hot for like 1-2 months and then fizzle out. And then Punk would be an asshole to someone and would walk out. It would be pointless.
I find Punk overrated by the ICW. I don't get why the same community that hates guys like HHH and Jeff Jarrett thinks this guy is legend of the sport. His original WWF character was... nothing. He was like RVD if RVD wasn't a stoner. There was no personality to the character. I enjoyed him when he started doing the Straight Edge Society angle and he dropped a great promo on Cena in 2011, but he really only got huge on the internet because he said the things smarks wanted to hear. I'm not saying his promo skills were bad, but he might have actually gotten over mainstream if he had played a gimmick (portrayed a character) instead of whining about wrestling politics and then calling himself the best in the world constantly (which was his character, sure, but it was not entirely kayfabe). He was good but not outstanding in the ring. Wasn't a huge draw or anything (which smarks hold against guys like JJ but not him) and really changed nothing.

Lesnar does not interest me at all. I haven't watched much wrestling since 2013. From what I have seen, heard and read, this guy seems pretty meh during his latest run. Seems like a typical Unstoppable Force type character with skills that complement his physique but that he doesn't really use these days. I have never thought to myself that I should tune into Raw to see Brock Lesnar. He was really good in his first WWE run, though.

This could be because of nostalgia, but I would rather watch matches or segments involving guys like DiBiase, IRS or Razor Ramon than watch any Attitude Era stuff from 1998 to mid 1999 that doesn't involve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, Jericho or post-DX HHH.

I agree that Punk has been somewhat overrated. Great promo and a creative mind, but I've long thought that he's wildly unathletic (seemingly borne out but his mma career) and he definitely seemed less motivated after a few wwe years. I'd put his in ring peak probably before his wwe career, maybe in his late Ring of Honor run that was quite hot. He had some really good matches in that run, obviously against really god opponents. I do like Punk though and would put him among my top 20 or so wrestlers.

Lesnar is basically like an old school monster gimmick dropped into present day wrestling. I can understand people not liking it but I'm a fan.

Lance Storm should have been given a bigger singles push when he was in WWE.

I agree. Using Lance Storm was one of the rare things that late era WCW did better than WWE, and it's a rare thing that Russo deserves credit for. Storm was largely wasted in WWE and then just gave up on quality years, essentially retiring at 35 despite being in great shape. It's easy to imagine stiff old Lance Storm having quality matches and feuds with mid carders like Carlito and Johnny Nitro in the mid 2000s and helping round those guys out but instead we got nothing.
QUEEN Sharmel was FIRE

Batista is a wrestling comedy legend AND Badass Redneck Taker was legit :thumbu:
Becky Lynch is overrated.

I'm so tired of "the man this", "the man that"..

Asuka, Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Lacy and Shayna Basler are who the company should focus on.
- Christian was criminally misused during his time in the WWE

-Randy Orton was extremely over rated, not so much these days as he's leaned into who he is
-Bobby Lashley is a joke and should have never been a wrestler
-RVD is one of the best in-ring performers the WWE has seen
-The old days of wrestling is severely over hyped (Hogan era, Von Erich era etc)
- Terry Funk was a master story teller
-The Miz is the most versatile superstar in the WWE
-The Fiend gimmick will flame out and Bray Wyatt will be forgotten
- Christian was criminally misused during his time in the WWE
-Randy Orton was extremely over rated, not so much these days as he's leaned into who he is
- Terry Funk was a master story teller
-The Fiend gimmick will flame out and Bray Wyatt will be forgotten

Yes Christian was one of the most glaring examples of Vince making his mind up and that being that. People in WWE spout that you've got to get yourself over and Christian did that only for WWE to sandbag him at every opportunity.

Orton sucks and always did.

Funk is very underappreciated. He was never great in ring but had a very long run of being very acceptable. He's one of the best promos ever though and has had an extremely interesting career.

The most interesting part of Wyatt's new gimmick is the Mr. Rogers aspect. WWE doesn't know how to book a monster and Wyatt was never that good to begin with.
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