they praying for the death of a rockstar
I've read the first two Witcher books and I wouldn't put them on a pedestal
Novels or the short story ones?
I've read the first two Witcher books and I wouldn't put them on a pedestal
Novels or the short story ones?
Last Wish and Sword of Destiny are the short story books I believe.
Ranking/unlock systems in online PvP shooters is a terrible idea and is only a lazy way to keep players playing for a false sense of accomplishment because the developers aren't confident enough in their ability to keep players there because their game is fun.
The Last of Us was mediocre.
The Last of Us was mediocre.
Uncharted sucks.
They're basically just differen versions of the same game, but I ADORED The Last of Us while, like I said earlier, I HATE Uncharted.
Call me mr controversy, but I dont think Breath of the wild is the most unique zelda, I think Skyward Sword is. I find the linearness and lack of any type of open world (yes there is some sky areas that can be considered open world) refreshing. I even love the motion controls. I think people forget that once they added the gyroscope motion controlled games became more than just playable. Red Steel 2 and Skyward Sword are really fun. Recently bought a dolphin bar and im enjoying a lot of wii games.
Personally, I didn’t like SM3DW. Not innovative, just felt like a copy of the handheld games, not very original, just a lazy, mediocre game.Super Mario Odyssey isn't the spectacular game I hoped (maybe a 7/10 from me). It's got the Nintendo polish, but it's short and the replaying to get power moons is grindy. SM3DW was better.
Nier Automatia is overrated - I loved the art and music, but c'mon, take away 2B or A2, no one cares about this game.
Agreed on TLOU.
The Sonic the Hedgehog series has the best music of any video game series.