Getzlaf picks up a point against Vancouver.
He's up 4 points on Seguin for 2nd in the league.
Would you rather Segs hit 90 points or 40 goals?
Who says you cant have your cake and eat it too?
They do understand the purpose. But if you eat your cake, you no longer have it. Thus, you can't have it and eat it too.Who invented that saying? Do they not understand the purpose of cake?
Who invented that saying? Do they not understand the purpose of cake?
41 of Richard's 91 points that season came on the PP. I think Segs is more impressive no matter what happens.
Has our PP even scored 41 times this year?
Man, can someone make sign and bring it to game that says something like
"Tyler Seguin-everything he does is wrong"
Just show up with an Anonymous mask on and hold a sign that says "I hacked Tyler's Twitter."
He's pretty sensitive to that based on a very recent reaction to his BaD Radio show.
There aren't enough HFers at the game for that to be taken well. But if someone in a Bruins jersey went with that sign, many lols would ensue.