Speculation: Trouba's No Trade List

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NY Rangers = America's Team
May 29, 2010
New York City
If Trouba is for sure getting traded, then Nashville should be all in on him. Even more so when you consider Nashville is going all in next season.

Josi - Trouba top pair would be a cup contending top pairing.

What would the Rangers want from Nashville?

Does Nashville even have any cap space left? Geez Louise. You'd think they have the payroll of the Yankees.

I'd like Evangelista back in any deal. You know what would be nuts? If we got Askarov in anticipation of potentially trading Igor due to his impending free agency.
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Mr Positive

Cap Crunch Incoming
Nov 20, 2013
Put him on waivers for Anaheim to claim, when he fails to report they terminate his contract, take the cap hit but don't have to pay him.
That's the move if you cant find a destination he agrees to. I wonder if you can arrange with a team to take a player, so you can be sure he doesn't clear. That would be ruthless
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Registered User
May 6, 2016
it is interesting to see how posters can switch with calling owners greedy and players self cantered. He got this NTC for a reason. Now that the rangers and their fans do not like him they are pissed he wont just go away

Jersey Fresh

Video Et Taceo
Feb 23, 2004
How are they trying to do him dirty? Because they want to trade him?
The "Negotiations for Dummies" move trying to get him to submit his no-trade list days early is definitely underhanded. A pure tactic to get Trouba to cave and accept the trade most convenient for the Rangers. I bet Drury even wore a power tie when he fired off that email to Trouba's agent. It's plain as day that FO is trying to force him out when they know the guy is desperate to stay for reasons that have nothing to do with hockey. Trouba might suck and be way overpaid, and they have every right to try and trade him, but he's still their Captain - they're running this guy down all over the media. That heel turn can’t be attractive for players watching the saga around the league.

The fact is there's nothing wrong with Trouba enforcing the stipulations in the contract they both signed and it’s wild how quickly both the org and fanbase have flipped to ripping the guy apart. I get it, they want to upgrade - but either do it inside the confinement of the contract, or stop whining.
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jay from jersey

Registered User
Jan 30, 2008
Like they did with Goodrow?
Pretty much…..
Not only that, it will force Trouba to call his bluff….
option A.
At worst case team/Trouba camp terminate contract. He doesn’t care about the 12 mill he’s owed over the next 2 seasons. He can sign a 2-3 year deal with any team he wants for pretty much the same money.
Option B.
Trouba/team terminate contract. He sits out for a season, signs a new deal with new team next year where wife and son can join him. ( don’t see a pro athlete taking a year off in his prime, but for arguments sake)
Option C
He’s vs claimed off waivers and his bluff is called. Him and his agent really don’t want to forfeit that 12 mill he’s owed over the next 2 years. He has to suck it up and play for whoever claims him this year. He could quietly asked to be dealt at the TDL since he’ll probably be unhappy….

Any way you slice it, if I’m Drury I’m not letting him get away with this nonsense.
“ I just had a kid and my wife has to stay in NYC for another year, so I’m not allowed to go anywhere til then”
F that noise. Waive his ass and make him an example. Let him call his bluff to the team that claims him and he can forfeit his 12 mill he’s owed.

Millions of people have to deal with moving for work and leaving behind a kid/wife/sick relative for an extended period of time in all walks of life.
Shit, other NHL players deal with it every season!
He’s not special even if he thinks he is…. Send him packing


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006
Trouba should do all he can to stay there but teams still need to be competitive in how they use their resources. That means the Rangers still need to trade or waive him if it is part of what makes them better and other teams need to move what they need or claim him and make their teams better. It sucks for Trouba but his agent should’ve covered more with his NMC.

Filthy Dangles

Registered User*
Oct 23, 2014
The "Negotiations for Dummies" move trying to get him to submit his no-trade list days early is definitely underhanded. A pure tactic to get Trouba to cave and accept the trade most convenient for the Rangers. I bet Drury even wore a power tie when he fired off that email to Trouba's agent. It's plain as day that FO is trying to force him out when they know the guy is desperate to stay for reasons that have nothing to do with hockey. Trouba might suck and be way overpaid, and they have every right to try and trade him, but he's still their Captain - they're running this guy down all over the media. That heel turn can’t be attractive for players watching the saga around the league.

The fact is there's nothing wrong with Trouba enforcing the stipulations in the contract they both signed and it’s wild how quickly both the org and fanbase have flipped to ripping the guy apart. I get it, they want to upgrade - but either do it inside the confinement of the contract, or stop whining.

?? You do know that July 1st is the deadline for that NT list to be submitted, not the "start date" to request it, so to speak. If wasn't submitted by then, it could technically be void, makes sense to ask the player/agent for it days in advance if only to make sure they get it in on time and so they have no excuse if they don't.

it is interesting to see how posters can switch with calling owners greedy and players self cantered. He got this NTC for a reason. Now that the rangers and their fans do not like him they are pissed he wont just go away

This isn't the issue. We all know and knew for years he had a No Trade List and absolutely agree with his right to block a trade to any of those teams on list.

The bigger issue is now whether the Rangers are going to honor the "NMC" that was supposed to expire in conjunction with wife's program but got pushed back a year because of Covid, and if Trouba is going to play hardball if potentially traded to a team not on that list.

Was reported that Trouba could potientally not report to a team traded to that's not on his list, which is not a Rangers problem.
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Registered User
Sep 12, 2011
It’s 2024, everybody is working remotely. Your telling me his wife can’t use Zoom like everyone else? The entitlement is mind bottling.

Well then Trouba could play for the team the Rangers trade him to via Zoom.

Jersey Fresh

Video Et Taceo
Feb 23, 2004
?? You do know that July 1st is the deadline for that NT list to be submitted, not the "start date" to request it, so to speak. If wasn't submitted by then, it could technically be void, makes sense to ask the player/agent for it days in advance if only to make sure they get it in on time and so they have no excuse if they don't.


Yes, they "requested" it early to accelerate the process with a not-so-subtle, "Jacob, we're looking to trade your ass" nudge. That's a tactic. Trouba has no obligation to play along and he's more than within his rights to submit his list when the contract he signed says he has to.

The idea that they requested it early just as a "reminder" to make sure they get by the due date is completely comical spin. They wanted it early so they could trade him around the draft and have their free agency plans locked up with the money they'd save. If anything, the Rangers would have preferred he not submit one and void the trade protections - then they wouldn't have to deal with this at all.
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Holden Caufield

Registered User
Oct 9, 2020
Kind of ironic. Back in his playing days, the Rangers brass spent a couple years stressing over how to get rid of Drury and his bloated contract.

Now Drury is on the other end of that spectrum. Atleast he can say he has been in the players shoes

Filthy Dangles

Registered User*
Oct 23, 2014
View attachment 892247

Yes, they "requested" it early to accelerate the process with a not-so-subtle, "Jacob, we're looking to trade your ass" nudge. That's a tactic. Trouba has no obligation to play along and he's more than within his rights to submit his list when the contract he signed says he has to.

The idea that they requested it early just as a "reminder" to make sure they get by the due date is completely comical spin. They wanted it early so they could trade him around the draft and have their free agency plans locked up with the money they'd save.

It's not uncommon or dirty/underhanded on the Rangers part though. Teams always get ahead of it and ask a few days in advance (no matter the motive for it) when a NTC is about to kick in for new season year. Even if a potential trade isn't imminent, you wanna be as prepared as you can be if someome hypothetically wants to trade for that player around draft/free agency in a trade that betters the team.

He can delay until 11:59:59 June31st if he wants to though, sure, his right.

The threat of potentially not reporting to a team that's not on his trade list, is obviously a bigger breach of etiquette and underhandedness 🤷‍♂️ on him/agent's part and could lead to his contract being terminated if gets to that point.

Jersey Fresh

Video Et Taceo
Feb 23, 2004
It's not uncommon or dirty/underhanded on the Rangers part though. Teams always get ahead of it and ask a few days in advance (no matter the motive for it) when a NTC is about to kick in for new season year. Even if a potential trade isn't imminent, you wanna be as prepared as you can be if someome hypothetically wants to trade for that player around draft/free agency in a trade that betters the team.

He can delay until 11:59:59 June31st if he wants to though, sure, his right.

The threat of potentially not reporting to a team that's not on his trade list, is obviously a bigger breach of etiquette and underhandedness 🤷‍♂️ on him/agent's part and could lead to his contract being terminated if gets to that point.
Can you name other examples of "requesting" trade-lists early? Not saying you're wrong, I've never heard of it and I'm skeptical that those contractual elements are even typically reported. The only reason we've heard about it here, and the contextual reason that this is very much underhanded, is the fact that in the days/weeks before it the New York media was full of reporting about the Rangers looking to trade Trouba. You can't divorce that fact from what's happening here - it's directly connected to them asking for the trade-list early.

Honestly asking, is there actual reporting on Trouba refusing to report or is it just idle speculation?
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Registered User
Sep 30, 2017
Can you name other examples of "requesting" trade-lists early? Not saying you're wrong, I've never heard of it and I'm skeptical that those contractual elements are even typically reported. The only reason we've heard about it here, and the contextual reason that this is very much underhanded, is the fact that in the days/weeks before it the New York media was full of reporting about the Rangers looking to trade Trouba. You can't divorce that fact from what's happening here - it's directly connected to them asking for the trade-list early.

Honestly asking, is there actual reporting on Trouba refusing to report or is it just idle speculation?
He was going from a NMC to a MNTC of 15 teams. With the draft, that is typically a good time to make a trade, thus logical for a request for an earlier list by like 3/4 days. There is a deadline for it to be submitted anyways. Not like Trouba or any other player has to arrive at their new team the next day at the end of June. If he didn't want to give the list until the deadline, that's also his right. But, typically when a team wants to move off or a player really asks out, the 2 sides are best to work something out.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2007
The Rangers can still trade him to the teams that aren't on his 15 Team No Trade list, he would have to report regardless of whatever promises he felt they made about his wife's career. If you want to talk about honoring the contract for his NMC, well, then he has to do the same since he gives 15 teams he wouldn't play for. Sure he could add the ones that want him to make it harder, but that still leaves 17 teams the Rangers can work out a deal with.

If he wants to stay close to New York, then maybe don't put Buffalo, New Jersey, and Islanders on that list. Because if he left Anaheim off that list, lol, he'll be on the West coast and if he refuses to report, that's a suspension without pay.
Just a guess but I think NJ and NYI are places he’d go to. The problem is that these are two teams that don’t want to help the Rangers with their problem and neither team really needs him in the first place.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2009
Can you name other examples of "requesting" trade-lists early? Not saying you're wrong, I've never heard of it and I'm skeptical that those contractual elements are even typically reported. The only reason we've heard about it here, and the contextual reason that this is very much underhanded, is the fact that in the days/weeks before it the New York media was full of reporting about the Rangers looking to trade Trouba. You can't divorce that fact from what's happening here - it's directly connected to them asking for the trade-list early.

Honestly asking, is there actual reporting on Trouba refusing to report or is it just idle speculation?
Is it any real different than just out right asking a guy for his list even though he has a full NMC or NTC?

The whole getting a list early is just something we as fans may never hear of to be honest. Some teams and agents do things quietly and don't want things to get ugly and go public.

End of the day if I were Trouba I'd be working with the team on getting a trade done. Last thing he wants is a potential waiver wire situation where he moves completely across the country.

And honestly who knows maybe they are actually working together.

Look at Pinto, one minute the media made it sound like there was no contact or he will be traded or will sign an offersheet. Then he re-signed lol.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2015
It seems that COVID delayed the completion of the program by a year, which led to this current issue.
None of which is the Rangers problem. Rangers should trade him, if he doesn't report then his contract can be suspended.
Players want max cash, max protections and expect sympathy when teams are interested in changing course. The hutzpah on some of these players is surreal.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2009
Just a guess but I think NJ and NYI are places he’d go to. The problem is that these are two teams that don’t want to help the Rangers with their problem and neither team really needs him in the first place.
If it's brokered by a third or even fourth team retaining some money and you really like Trouba then I don't see why they wouldn't.

But they would have to really want the guy


Registered User
Apr 30, 2009
None of which is the Rangers problem. Rangers should trade him, if he doesn't report then his contract can be suspended.
Players want max cash, max protections and expect sympathy when teams are interested in changing course. The hutzpah on some of these players is surreal.
This is really the case for me here. Not like he is the only guy that has a wife or family to look after. If it was that important they should've requested a full NMC and took the consequences of that off his pay cheque to make the deal work for the Rangers.

I don't get mad at a player when he refuses to waive his NMC. That is a GM issues.

I also don't get mad at a team for trading any player at any given time.

Both sides made decisions when the contract was signed that both sides have to deal with.

The NHL should adopt salary renegotiation. Kind of wild Drury has to suffer over a shitty signing by Gorton.
Meh, every previous GM has shitty and good moves. Drury knew the situation when he signed on.

As for salary renegotiation good luck. Fans all love that when they have a shitting player on their roster and want to cut his salary, but hate it when all of a sudden their star player on a bargain bin deal wants a massive raise.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2012
It's not uncommon or dirty/underhanded on the Rangers part though. Teams always get ahead of it and ask a few days in advance (no matter the motive for it) when a NTC is about to kick in for new season year. Even if a potential trade isn't imminent, you wanna be as prepared as you can be if someome hypothetically wants to trade for that player around draft/free agency in a trade that betters the team.

He can delay until 11:59:59 June31st if he wants to though, sure, his right.

The threat of potentially not reporting to a team that's not on his trade list, is obviously a bigger breach of etiquette and underhandedness 🤷‍♂️ on him/agent's part and could lead to his contract being terminated if gets to that point.
Not to be that guy ... But June 31st? :naughty:
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Jersey Fresh

Video Et Taceo
Feb 23, 2004
He was going from a NMC to a MNTC of 15 teams. With the draft, that is typically a good time to make a trade, thus logical for a request for an earlier list by like 3/4 days. There is a deadline for it to be submitted anyways. Not like Trouba or any other player has to arrive at their new team the next day at the end of June. If he didn't want to give the list until the deadline, that's also his right. But, typically when a team wants to move off or a player really asks out, the 2 sides are best to work something out.
That's my point. They "requested" it early not as some formality of the process or a reminder of when the list was due, they were making a point. If Trouba didn't already know through the media they wanted to move him, he did now in big, bold print. This was a strong-arm tactic to get Trouba to play along and at a timeline that was the most advantageous for the Rangers, at his expense.


Registered User
May 19, 2018
Pretty much…..
Not only that, it will force Trouba to call his bluff….
option A.
At worst case team/Trouba camp terminate contract. He doesn’t care about the 12 mill he’s owed over the next 2 seasons. He can sign a 2-3 year deal with any team he wants for pretty much the same money.
Option B.
Trouba/team terminate contract. He sits out for a season, signs a new deal with new team next year where wife and son can join him. ( don’t see a pro athlete taking a year off in his prime, but for arguments sake)
Option C
He’s vs claimed off waivers and his bluff is called. Him and his agent really don’t want to forfeit that 12 mill he’s owed over the next 2 years. He has to suck it up and play for whoever claims him this year. He could quietly asked to be dealt at the TDL since he’ll probably be unhappy….

Any way you slice it, if I’m Drury I’m not letting him get away with this nonsense.
“ I just had a kid and my wife has to stay in NYC for another year, so I’m not allowed to go anywhere til then”
F that noise. Waive his ass and make him an example. Let him call his bluff to the team that claims him and he can forfeit his 12 mill he’s owed.

Millions of people have to deal with moving for work and leaving behind a kid/wife/sick relative for an extended period of time in all walks of life.
Shit, other NHL players deal with it every season!
He’s not special even if he thinks he is…. Send him packing
option d
rangers waive trouba and no team claims him
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