Here's a very interesting stat IMO (influenced by the strength of opponent though).
This season, against which team do teams defend the lowest position on the pitch?
1- EPL 36.61 meters
2- Buli 38.18
3- L1 38.81
4- Buli 38.86
5- EPL 39.05
6- EPL 39.88
7- Serie A 40.26
8- Serie A 40.42
9- Liga 40.48
10- L1 40.61
Doesn't mean these teams are always dominant. It can also mean defenses have identified those teams as weak on defending counters for instance. Or weak at breaking down low blocks. It can have multiple interpretations.
This season, against which team do teams defend the lowest position on the pitch?
1- EPL 36.61 meters
2- Buli 38.18
3- L1 38.81
4- Buli 38.86
5- EPL 39.05
6- EPL 39.88
7- Serie A 40.26
8- Serie A 40.42
9- Liga 40.48
10- L1 40.61
Doesn't mean these teams are always dominant. It can also mean defenses have identified those teams as weak on defending counters for instance. Or weak at breaking down low blocks. It can have multiple interpretations.