He had a lot of positives, just seemed to have terrible luck/timing with injuries from what I remember, and like every other heel of that era he couldn't get by Cena
The big problem besides the actual matches always failing to deliver, is his entire mythos only serves to get himself over. It doesn't help get anyone else over.
If you gimmick requires ruining your opponents situation to get and remain over, it's a bad gimmick.
It took Seth a year to recover from feuding with the Fiend. Miz's face turn was ruined thanks to the Fiend, had to quickly turn him back face. They trapped poor Orton in spooky hell for like a year with the only redeeming aspects of that feud being when he was gone and Alexa was doing the whole thing better.
And people pretended there was some deep lore with his gloves like that's why every face he feuded had to turn heel. No, it's because the feuds were so bad they had no choice but to turn heel or basically retire.
It's just so formulaic too. He cuts promos in his little room where he rambles for 20 minutes without saying anything of meaning. Plays with the lights, have a bad match where he either no sells and clowns his opponent or he loses. Then he goes back to his room, says cryptic shit about how he is stronger, rinse and repeat.
It's why I don't like this House of Black shit either. Going around misting everyone, it's way too much and doesn't help anyone but him. At least Black can wrestle at least.
That is the wildest thing about the IWC's love of Bray. Dude can't wrestle. Usually it's workrate guys they fawn over. Thought the IWC is fickle as hell. They voted Bray worst gimmick two years in a row in Meltzer's dumb awards, but then acted like he was some tortured genius when he got fired.
He is 100% coming back though. Whenever heavy reports of someone coming back under HHH pop up, it means it's a done deal. Bray, Kross, and Braun were three castaways I was hoping HHH wouldn't bring back, but Kross is already back and Bray is soon tk follow. Hopefully no Braun and his choo-choo train