1.) Marner was overpaid. That is true. He should be paid like rant at time (minus any Colorado tax advantage and the SB).
Normalize the tax differences for those contracts and that’s what Marner should have been paid.
2.) advertisements are not ignored. They are irrelavant to AAV. They aren’t free you work. You do events you get paid.
They are also not gauaranteed money.
Your contract can go away in an instant with any social issue or picture or whim.
That’s like asking someone to take less gauranteed pay for a 40 hr week because you may have more opportunities to make overtime.
Ads are a direct advantage of playing in the toronto market
They are guaranteed money.
Rielly, Marner, JT, Nylander, Matthews, Kadri and Hyman when he was here all got advertisements through their association with the leafs
Most of those guys dont get these opportunities in other markets (tampa, flordia, dallas etc)
Overtime pay would be if these players were asked to take cuts based off of
1) Either winning individual awards/top 5 ppg/apg/gpg finishes - say if your a finalist for major awards and/or top 5 in per game stats with min 60 game played qualifer you get a 2M bonus that year. This is OT example, where you need to do work to be able to obtain your additional payout
2) Certain point total thresholds in the playoffs - Again if say a minimum of 8 pts in R1, 7 in R2, 7 in R3 and 6 in R4, and 500K payout for hitting each - This is again a effort based OT scenerio
Advertisement deals are guaranteed money which every star would love to have but only major markets can offer
This + the guys earnings USD living in Canada for most of the year (much higher purchasing power) alone are make up for the tax advantage + warm weather advantage in flordia, dallas, vegas
Flordia and Tampa still had to pay top $ when they were not a good team to get players to come despite these advantages and they still had to shell put top money to guys like Bobrovsky, Vasilevsky, Sergachev, Cirelli, Cernak etc which were above comparable players