He can play both sides and has played on the 2nd pair a lot, and has done so well with a good partner in the past. He's sound defensively, which we can use, and his size and physicality would be a benefit, and would help our penalty kill. All things that we could use improvement on. And his cap hit is reasonable for what he brings. He's only recently been shifted to Seattle's 3rd pair, and I think that has more to do with the Kraken wanting to use Ryker Evans with Montour, rather than being an actual demotion based on his play. Plus, I think a pair of Nurse and Olekskiak would be incredibly difficult to play against with their size, physicality, and each player's reach. He's also a good skater for a big guy, which helps. I think he would be a great addition, I'm just not sure if Seattle is ready to move him, and if they are, if the cost would be reasonable.