Who's offer sheeting Matthews for 13-14 million?
Easily Arizona. They had all kinds of caps space and they been needing a brand name player since Doan left. Even Doan wasn't a house hold name as Matthews would be
Every Arizona based business goes after Matthews with sponsorships, deals. Americans are big on that stuff
Coyotes need a big name player more than any team in the league. To have someone from your own barn, that would have set that team on fire
Americans love their own. The TV coverages, the radio and podcasts, online coverage that Arizona and Matthews would have gotten woudl have been insane
ESPN and NBC would have signed 10+ games a year for Arizona. That would have given more exposure, sponsors and ads
Matthews going to Arizona would have been same as McDavid coming to Toronto. It would have been huge
Instead of paying Keller and OEL. They would have loved to just pay Matthews 13-15 mil range. Problem solved
Ironically, Matthews would have had a bigger impact than those two
We are being spoiled by Matthews. I criticize him, lets not forget who he is. He's generational as we had in decades. Not since maybe Frank M have we drafted a player like him
Matthews we needed to keep and we should always keep.