On one hand, you are saying Esposito is a product of Orr, but on the other hand completely dismiss the fact that having Orr on your team, makes it twice as hard to win the Hart. The fact that Espo WON TWO HARTS OVER A GENERATIONAL PHENOM like Orr is much more impressive than Clarke's Harts, where he was the only true star on his team.
You are the one bringing up Harts, I was simply responding to you.
There is really zero evidence that Esposito gets even a single Hart vote without Orr.
Well I guess you could bring up his 15th place finish in 78-79 but that really doesn't help the case for Big Phil
So when a famous offense-only forward gets the same +/- as a famous two-way player, while handily outscoring him, it is somehow a detriment to the former? Are you for real?
Well when he outscores him 13 to 6 in the 8 games and they are both plus 2 one can say that Phil is outscoring his lack of defense sure but he is still a lousy defensive player and it's a huge 8 game sample.
So you are citing this all-time famous act of unsportsmanship and cheating as a boost to Clarke? Are you for real?
I personally hated it but I can't dispute the positive affect it had on the Canadian chances of winning.
So, less than HALF of Esposito's highest. Ni-i-ice.
Once again you are avoiding the Orr thing, outside of Boston Phil was a good goal scorer not a great one.
Sure but that is the biggest strength or argument for Clarke against Clarke least strong point, kinda cherry picking and nt a big deal when talking about the best players of all time.
His entire prime was with Orr. Are you for real? A post-prime, Rangers Espo still did better than Clarke's high water mark season.
In goal scoring while being a defensive disaster sure but read above.
Why would Espo play defense, if he had Orr?
Maybe to win games and have a bigger impact?
Orr played both ways, lots of players do to win.
In fact a player you advocated for in the preliminary threads gave up some offense for defensive play or did you forget about him already?
No. The Slash was the biggest travesty.
We can agree there but are you really going to knock Clarke down any spots in the rankings over this?
Because you keep bringing up Orr and other teammates. Those "8 games" (the biggest games of their respective careers) is where their team was one and the same, and Esposito thumped Clarke handily. If not for The Slash, which in many people's minds STOLE the victory from Canada ("couldn't win without goonery and cheating, could they?"), nobody would even remember Clarke.
Well you would remember Clarke as you asserted early about trusting the Hart voters.
This thread is about the top 100 players of all time, not top 100 personal grievances people have with players.