Boomer comparing Girardi who's looked good because he has 3rd line minutes on a stacked TB squad to ADA who has been thrown to the wolves and is trying to survive and learn.
Yeah, shut up, Boomer. But what is Tony D talking about? He never played with Tampa.
Yeah, shut up, Boomer. But what is Tony D talking about? He never played with Tampa.
The idea that he is reading the social media stuff and publicly responding to a guy like Boomer is a huge red flag to me. This dude will be problems until he leaves town.
I'm not saying Boomer is right, in fact I think he's wrong. He's in a place where he has a public forum and is not a "civilian" in this. But I don't think I'm being unfair at all to ADA here. Responding publicly, to me, shows poor impulse control. We're working without a filter here. It may only matter what he does on the ice but I believe the response indicates that this is a guy who acts first and thinks second. Boomer is a guy who he legitimately would have a chance to speak to or address through numerous occasions. It's not like he's low profile. ADA could have said something to a senior team member or staff member who could have passed this thought on to Boomer to just be a fan and not call guys out lile this. Instead he pulls his Twitter pistol out and shoots back. Now you're in a gunfight. Personally, I'm not a fan of the kid. I have made no bones about it. In order to be as bad defensively as he is, you have to be automatic offensively and he's just not. It's not like there is a wealth of footage of phenomenal ADA plays where if we just had a finisher its in the net. His risk outweighs his rewards. On top of that he's the guy who is going to do this stuff. I hope he proves me wrong but I don't think he's an NHL player long term.I personally don't think ADA is particularly good, but this is completely unfair. All that matters is what he does on the ice and replying to a few social media posts shouldn't have any impact on that.There might be flags in his past, but this isn't one.
Yeah, shut up, Boomer. But what is Tony D talking about? He never played with Tampa.
I'm not saying Boomer is right, in fact I think he's wrong. He's in a place where he has a public forum and is not a "civilian" in this. But I don't think I'm being unfair at all to ADA here. Responding publicly, to me, shows poor impulse control. We're working without a filter here. It may only matter what he does on the ice but I believe the response indicates that this is a guy who acts first and thinks second. Boomer is a guy who he legitimately would have a chance to speak to or address through numerous occasions. It's not like he's low profile. ADA could have said something to a senior team member or staff member who could have passed this thought on to Boomer to just be a fan and not call guys out lile this. Instead he pulls his Twitter pistol out and shoots back. Now you're in a gunfight. Personally, I'm not a fan of the kid. I have made no bones about it. In order to be as bad defensively as he is, you have to be automatic offensively and he's just not. It's not like there is a wealth of footage of phenomenal ADA plays where if we just had a finisher its in the net. His risk outweighs his rewards. On top of that he's the guy who is going to do this stuff. I hope he proves me wrong but I don't think he's an NHL player long term.
I'm not saying Boomer is right, in fact I think he's wrong. He's in a place where he has a public forum and is not a "civilian" in this. But I don't think I'm being unfair at all to ADA here. Responding publicly, to me, shows poor impulse control. We're working without a filter here. It may only matter what he does on the ice but I believe the response indicates that this is a guy who acts first and thinks second. Boomer is a guy who he legitimately would have a chance to speak to or address through numerous occasions. It's not like he's low profile. ADA could have said something to a senior team member or staff member who could have passed this thought on to Boomer to just be a fan and not call guys out lile this. Instead he pulls his Twitter pistol out and shoots back. Now you're in a gunfight. Personally, I'm not a fan of the kid. I have made no bones about it. In order to be as bad defensively as he is, you have to be automatic offensively and he's just not. It's not like there is a wealth of footage of phenomenal ADA plays where if we just had a finisher its in the net. His risk outweighs his rewards. On top of that he's the guy who is going to do this stuff. I hope he proves me wrong but I don't think he's an NHL player long term.
Red flag for what exactly? Sounds like you severely lack an understanding of what constitutes impulse control and it sounds like you are extremely out of touch with how the significant majority of people use social media. Half the nfl, nba and half the world falls under your definition of a "red flag" and a " lack of impulse control".
With all due respect NHL is different from NBA NFL MLB. Even there a struggling rookie should not engage into a social media back-and-forth with a public figure like Boomer. Bad judgement and definitely lack of an impulse control that was noted previously, especially for someone like DeAngelo who has a history.
Why not? Bc you decided it? Seriously some of you sound like you're just a hair away from "get off my lawn". Blanket banning twitter responses and acting as if a twitter response is akin to a bender? I get not liking that he responded but the extrapolation of a single, extremely tame tweet to mean anything at all? It's again, a sign of an agenda or someone extremely out of touch. MDZ publicly drank and went out clubbing constantly and the level of "red flags" for him? Where were they? Somehow i suspect if this had been MDZ tweeting I wouldn't be seeing the same leaps in logic
Why not? Bc you decided it? Seriously some of you sound like you're just a hair away from "get off my lawn". Blanket banning twitter responses and acting as if a twitter response is akin to a bender? I get not liking that he responded but the extrapolation of a single, extremely tame tweet to mean anything at all? It's again, a sign of an agenda or someone extremely out of touch. MDZ publicly drank and went out clubbing constantly and the level of "red flags" for him? Where were they? Somehow i suspect if this had been MDZ tweeting I wouldn't be seeing the same leaps in logic. His "history" has been proven to be overblown fuel for certain agendas here on HF so I don't put much stock in using his "history" as an excuse to overreact to a tweet
Go back and read. Its obvious what im talking about when i talk about posters extrapolating nonsense out of a single tweet . I already addressed your history comment too. It's noticed i'm sure, but unlike fans w agendas i suspect most gms really dont see it as even close to a big dealWhat the hell extrapolation you’re talking about? DeAngelo has an immediate history. His status in pro sports is a virtual blip and there’s zero guarantee that he will have a place in the NHL even as soon as next week. It is not in his hands. It will not go unnoticed by the people who make these decisions, whether you like or agree with it or not. Again, it is in the context that is specific to DeAngelo.
Yup, that's why i said i get it if you dislike him doing it. But the level to which people are reacting screams 'agenda' and HF has its own immediate history when it comes to thatWell he’s got a history just this season of getting into it with fans over politics on Twitter. I think the point is as an athlete on social media, there’s always going to be criticisms of you and sometimes they’ll be unfair but you can’t really go after fans and those in the current media. It’s just a bad look and it’s not a one time occurrence.