Holden Caulfield
He's guilty
Ha ha ha ha. What a joke.
Holden makes that statement from WPG, based on some play late last season. He has done more loafing than a bakery this season, and this is from the perspective of 12 rows above ice level.
Most Caps fans are shocked that the Jets got anything for him at all.
I seriously doubt you get the 2011-2012 Mahachek. Even if you do, I am not sure that would improve the Falcons much, let alone the Blue Jackets.
Yeah. Clearly in this day and age it is completely impossible to follow or watch games from a different city. What is this 1958? Are you kidding me?
I say that from watching him lots last season and this season. He had a legitimate disagreement with the Jets organization. No doubt he becomes rejuvenated in Columbus' organization and if given a shot he will be a solid player for Columbus.