You don't think you implied it when you listed statistics and used them to analyze something?
"Quick and dirty, I went back 18 drafts to see. What stood out was interesting.
I only looked at players who did not reach 200+ GP threshold for a top 10 pick.
Not very scientific, but for spending 15 minutes looking at something, it serves its purpose."
I don't know how I could be any f***ing clearer on the matter. A quick eyeball at drafted players in the top 10 (is top 10 okay? Since you're apparently the arbiter of what is/isn't valid hockey discussion.) I sincerely doubt that things would change drastically if I did a thorough deep dive.
Yes -- you said that, and then you nevertheless advanced a conclusion based on it and gave the impression you were confident in that conclusion. It doesn't make sense to do those two things together.
If this were a peer-reviewed scientific study you might have a point. But the purposes of a very quick analysis, it served its purpose. No one was touting it as an exhaustive dive into things except you.
What does the veracity of another person's thinking have to do with yours?
Logan is notorious for pulling shit out of his ass and claiming it doesn't stink. If you want to take someone to task, you should be looking at him, not me. The level of minimal effort was done specifically because Logan doesn't do
anything to support his claims and just expects people to take his idiotic statements at face value.
In other words: the quick and dirty post was done specifically because I was responding to him.
"I agree with you but you're wrong." Okay, then.
This is obviously not a conclusion you can support without choosing somewhat reasonable and thorough parameters for determining it. If you can brush off any critique of it by complaining that the critique wasn't as casual as your analysis,
I'm brushing off critique that it isn't 'scientific' or that it isn't a proper "statistical analysis" because it wasn't intended as such. Again, you're trying to contort what I said into something that it isn't.
then all you're really doing is insulating yourself from that critique rather than actually engaging it.
Aside from the fact that I'm agreeing with you that there are issues with it, sure. But again, you're holding it up to be something that it isn't.
Really f***ing curious why you're jumping down my throat and not someone who made completely unsubstantiated claims.
In reality, anyone who looked a bit deeper for two minutes or so found other clear busts in the top-5 of drafts within the time frame you discussed and I suspect you were aware of them too.
Okay, so every team consistently f***s up high level first rounders. Is that what you're saying?
It also isn't the conclusion you said you were trying to prove, which is that a particular management group had more draft busts in the top 5 than would be typical
Shoving more words into my mouth. Cool.
"I feel that this supports my claim it's very hard to f*** up a pick the higher you go, especially in the modern NHL."
I feel like you're simply arguing for the sake of arguing, because I didn't submit a thrice peer-reviewed study using bandwagonesque-approved methodology.
Again, I doubt very much that if you did a full deep dive the general conclusions would not change very drastically. Do you or do you not agree with that? If so, what the f*** is your point and why aren't you haranguing other people for not supporting their claims?