Fansfirst is all I use to sell tickets. The seller pays the fees, so no fees for the buyer. Easy to setup and use.Thanks gmoney!! And yea there is a pay as you go - which I selected. Just apprehensive about how far the jets will go now. lol
As I’m from out of province - that’s good to know about scalping! The ticket prices through the jets/ticketmaster fluctuate quite a bit in based on demand. So I guess I’ll just watch for prices on ticketmaster than post in there (or preferably fanfirst)
Any fanfirst users out there - easy to set up and use for an old man that is scared TikTok?
Put your tickets up for sale. You set the price and their system tells you exactly how much you will make.
If your tickets sell, you get a text / email, you then go to your Jets account and transfer the tickets to Fansfirst. Fansfisrt then send your tickets to the buyer. So, no interaction between seller and buyer. After the game, you get paid the next business day.
And if you have any issues , their support helps you right away, not days later like TM.