My wife and I are Jewish, but because we have foster kids and we don't want to deny them a life that other kids have, we added Christmas stuff to go alongside our Hanukkah stuff, including a tree. I gotta say, Christmas has undeniable swag. It's no wonder why all the great Christmas songs were written by Jews: we see it from an outsider's perspective and it looks like the coolest thing ever to us.
My longtime girlfriend when I was young was Jewish on her dad's side, but they also celebrated Christmas because her mom grew up Catholic and celebrated Christmas. It was a fun few years celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas. I never celebrated Hanukkah after we split, but I always kept track of when it was and what days it fell on every year after that. Hanukkah is like Easter in that it falls on a different week every year. I believe the first day of Hanukkah this year is actually Christmas Day if I'm not mistaken? I looked it up a while ago. Most years I think we're already in the middle of Hanukkah right now.
I'm sure I've told this story before, but back in Kindergarten I remember the teacher describing Hanukkah. It almost sounded like Christmas to me, other than the part about 8 days which I obviously didn't catch that part when she was describing it. She then asked how many of us celebrated Hanukkah, and I was one of the kids who raised their hand.
The teacher remembered this and when she had a teacher/parent phone conference later in the year she told my mom ''Ohhh, your son tells me you're Jewish and celebrate Hanukkah!''. So my mom asks me after I get home from school that day ''Why did you tell your teacher your Jewish and celebrate Hanukkah?''. And I explained to her that when she explained Hanukkah it sounded to me like Christmas with presents and all that. So I thought I did celebrate that lol.
I have a kind of Jewish sounding last name. Many people with my last name are Jewish and people have asked me if I was Jewish because of that, but my dad's family was actually not Jewish. My mom never had my last name, but she also has a German surname that could be a Jewish surname, though I believe the Jewish spelling of it is a bit different.
So yeah, at 5-6 years old I did not know that Hanukkah was a thing and I thought the teacher was describing Christmas!