OT - NO POLITICS Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer

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Miss Bergy, Savvy Quaider and Looch
Jun 8, 2007
next to the bench
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
1. Went to court over 50 times because of my daughter's father (an abusive drunk). It was not fun. He would lie about everything.... I HATE liars

2. I wear an old pin on my shirt to the Bs game. I have had it for years.

3. Blizzard of 78... but I had a blast. Also, one time driving home from the beach on route 495 we had what must have been a tornado. All traffic stopped in the middle of the road (after driving 80 mph). I swear my car lifted off the ground a bit. You couldn't see anything (it was very sudden). I was surprised no one hit my car...or I didn't hit someone.

4. I like to shop in person. The problem being (for clothes) the stores have less quality clothes. I miss Filines (not the basement)

5. Do spiders count? I had a bat in the house once.
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Black & Gold ‘till I’m Dead & Cold.
Dec 17, 2011
Haven’t done one of these in a while…
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court?
Yes. Testified as a defendant. Never represented myself. The man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client.

Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.
Yes. I’ve been on a jury in a civil case.
2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

I do pray the Rosary daily, however, and that has brought me many blessings.
3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?
The Blizzard of ‘78 (I was 3) and Hurricane Bob in ‘91.
4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?
I enjoy shopping for Patriots and Bruins swag. I order things online when I have to.
5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
Yes. Way back in 2001, I was playing tug of war with our cairn terrier “Angus.” I was on all fours in the living room and was using a good sized piece of rawhide to tug with. I was able to pull it away from him, and he lunged forward and bit me on the chin. So, at 10pm on a Sunday night, my old man drove me to Mount Auburn Hospital where they stitched me up (six stitches, if you’re curious). Angus had never bitten anyone before then, and never bit anyone after. It wasn’t “scary,” and nobody panicked, but it was a huge pain in the ass. I’ve had three dogs since then and I’ve never given any of them rawhide.

Johnny Upton

Registered User
Jul 5, 2003
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
1) I got empaneled on a jury for my 1st ever jury duty stint, I was 19. I was the youngest juror by at least 10 years but it was fun to see the process in action.

2) I don’t have good luck charms but I do have a superstition: I cannot wear a jersey to a home game or they lose. It’s uncanny.

3) Drove through the craziest thunderstorm I’ve ever seen, the sky turned black and there was lightning everywhere. Can’t say I recommend it.

4) I loathe shopping but technology has made it easier. Big Y has the scan app that lets you scan all your stuff and then scan a QR code to pay without waiting in line. Huge time saver.

5) I got chased by a dog when I was 8, it made me afraid of them for a long time.
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Registered User
May 16, 2005
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
I wish it were Friday

3.Probably ice storm from 2008. no power for 14 days(thank you woodstove)
4.I hate all kinds of shopping.
5.All types of wildlife. bears, foxes, bobcats, etc. All attracted and near the chicken coop. All pretty tame. The one that killed 5 chickens was a friggin weasel.lol. Had to find that thing at 2am and kill it.
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Troublesome 85

Dec 28, 2017
Hard life decisions made at 2sm.....

Which earrings to wear to Judas Priest at Niagara Falls in September.....

Answer.... Swarovski crystal star studs...like the hair ornaments worn by Christine in the 'Think Of Me' scene of the Phantom of the Opera.movie....


I must decide which wrestling shirt to wear Saturday to the show. I have 3 options I cut down too.


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 1, 2016
Chicago, IL
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
Happy Thursday! I've been busy at work, and actually thought I missed a day when I read your post....LOL.

1. Never testified in court but have been deposed a bunch of times.

2. I have a lucky pair of baseball socks that I only bring out for big games.

3. This one: https://www.wusa9.com/article/weather/the-big-dawg-storm-february-15-18-2003/65-51001237
Was living in the DC area at the time. I grew up Wisconsin, and I've been through worse snowstorms, but this one was different. My wife was VERY, VERY pregnant and I was seriously concerned that I was gonna have to deliver my 3rd child in the bathtub. DC Area didn't have the snow removal capabilities some cities do. Major roads got cleared eventually, but the side roads and subdivisions didn't. I shoveled like a madman, and luckily my son waited until the 19th to be born.

4. I like to shop, but when I do, I know what I'm looking for. I'm not a browser. I do like going to brick and mortar stores whenever possible, but will order on line if they don't have what I need in a local store.

5. Came about 75ft away from a grizzly in Glacier National Park. We were backcountry backpacking/camping and I went to a stream to get water. As I came out of the brush on the creek bank, there was a Grizzly sitting in the middle of the stream. I looked at it, it looked at me, and I slowly backed away in the direction I came from. I could wait for the water.....
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Aug 5, 2017
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
It's Thursday, right?


1. I've represented my employer in phone hearings with the unemployment board, but other than that never been to a court. I've been summoned for jury duty twice, but once I got out of it because I was college at the time and it would interfere with classes, and the other time was the type where you have to call in the afternoon before to see if they need you to show up in person the next day, and they never needed me for the week so I was dismissed.

2. Not that I can think of

3. I very vaguely remember Hurricane Bob as a 5 year old, I only remember all my aunts and uncles and cousins coming to our house and it being kind of dark out, but I don't remember anything else. As an adult, the worst thing I remember was we had some ice storm in the winter of 2008-2009 that caused the power to go out for 3 or 4 days, which was unbearable. Other than that I've been lucky to not face much extreme weather.

4. I like shopping and finding deals, I get groceries in person, and clothes, but other things I'll shop for on Amazon.

5. I once saw a fox in the parking lot of an apartment complex I lived at back in about 2010. I've gone for walks at night and seen raccoons which are cute but you never quite know if one's carrying rabies or something so I try to keep distance. Other than that, nothing.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Jun 11, 2011
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
Yes, it is Thursday but for some reason I always think Thursdays are Fridays since I retired. It makes no sense other than it is my favourite night with hubby. He always makes pizza, we watch & listen to our favourite music videos and drink wine. It feels like the beginning of the weekend. Sorry if I got a bunch of you excited!!

1. I have never been to court or been called for jury duty (yet).

2. I have a horseshoe on the wall that our daughter found when she was a wee kiddy, I enter a lot of contests and win quite a bit. We redecorated that room and the horseshoe did not get put back up....then it began a drought of not winning. It dawned on me about the horseshoe, it was put back up and the wins started up again.

3. It was an ice storm on Christmas Eve, we were driving from the Toronto area to Montreal to my parents' house. It was white knuckle terrifying for that 6 hour drive, cars were sliding off the road in front of us, behind us, it was brutal. I thought we would never get there.

4. I loathe shopping other than for groceries, which I actually really like. When we travel to other countries, I love going to the grocery stores to see what is on the shelves. Clothing is the thing I hate to shop for the most. I shop on line when looking for gifts, it is so much easier.

5. One of our family dogs attacked me when I was 13. Unprovoked, just sitting on the sofa and he was next to me. I felt him staring at me, turned my head to look at him and he lunged. Luckily I got my arm up in front of my face in time. No stitches but punctures into the muscle so that I needed a sling for a while. My Dad pulled him off, thank goodness I wasn't alone because another 10 minutes and I would have been. He was a Norwegian Elkhound, so big and strong. It took me a long time to trust dogs again.
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Miss Bergy, Savvy Quaider and Looch
Jun 8, 2007
next to the bench
I thought this was funny.



Jun 28, 2010
Dundas, Ontario
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?

1. Never. I hope I never have to, either. I have seen many a crime committed, though - and in 1997, I slept with someone who was dating someone else (I know, but I was young) and her partner ended up being murdered. I never really got over that. I didn't witness the murder, for the record - he had moved away when it happened, a few years later.

2. I don't, weirdly.

3. Honestly, the height of my weather experience was probably a severe thunderstorm in the middle of Algonquin Park.

4. I love malls and shopping for clothes. I love shopping online for bigger items, like woodworking gear.

5. That same weekend in Algonquin Park, we canoed around a bend of fairly shallow water, blind to the other side. As we came around, we came face to face with a moose - and it was during rutting season. I don't know that I've ever been so terrified, and it was a stark reminder of how easily mother nature can f*ck you up, and quick.

TD Charlie

Registered User
Sep 10, 2007
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:
1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.
Does a divorce count? Didn't really say much, didn't have a lawyer. It was really just, "hey, you're sure this is what you wanna do?" type thing.

And I had to take a neighborhood oddball to small claims because he stole my lawn mower and then killed the engine. Not my proudest moment, but I was not in a position to replace the mower and that sucker was new.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?
Not really. I kept a couple of my late brothers' Grateful Dead shirts and I wear them every now and again. Maybe it's weird, but it keeps a connection to him that is comforting to me, and it's my thing, nobody else's.

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?
The Microburst/Downburst in 96 was pretty wild. I was outside playing street hockey and it went totally dark in the middle of the day in an instant. A quick gust of wind turned into chaos in the blink of an eye and I watched the street hockey net soar through the air and into the woods of my backyard. Watched little mini twisters rip up and down the street for a short while, trees falling left and right, didn't have power a couple days after that one.

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?
Sometimes I like grocery shopping. Christmas shopping for the kids is fun, although that's soon to lose it's magic.

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
Diving in Aruba I saw what I can only describe as a blue/gray spear of a fish. Maybe 4-5 feet long. I was swimming around and another guy near me says "swim THAT way, don't look down." OBVIOUSLY I'm going to look down. Never saw a fish move in this manner, but it seemed very rigid, and was making lightning fast turns without wiggling. It would just be a big spike facing one way, then it would be facing another direction.
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Registered User
Apr 25, 2019
Southern Ontario
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
1) Not yet for either.

2. I have a Bruins t-shirt purchased in 1989 that is full of holes that I wear for Game 7's vs the Leafs. The first time I donned it for such an occasion was to start the 3rd period in 2013.

3. We narrowly avoided driving in the vicinity of a tornado last weekend. In fact we could see it in the distance, but weren't quite sure what it was. Fortunately, we were headed in a different direction.

4. I enjoy grocery shopping.

5. Does a stingray whole snorkeling in Mexico count?
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My name is Pete
May 29, 2011
Alexandria, KY
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
1.) Yes I had Grand Jury duty in NH the summer of 2017 and had to go 16 times. Grand Jury in NH only dealt with felonies and I heard a lot of them. Some really messed up.

2.) Nah not really other than wearing one of my Bruins hats on big playoff game nights.

3.) 2010 I got outta work around 9pm from the restaurant I worked at, at the time. I was only 19/20 years old then. My friend, his GF and myself went for 'a cruise' around 10pm and a microburst hit around 10pm. We were sitting at a light in Manchester and a section of a mill building roof blew off and smashed face on into the grill of my Nissan Sentra. Luckily somehow it only suffered minimal damage but nonetheless it was a scary experience, especially being that young.

4.) I used to love Market Basket at 7am on weekdays when I lived in NH but other than that no not really. Amazon ftw.

5.) I was off-roading with another buddy of mine in northern NH back in 2009. He was driving his jeep wrangler at the time and we were DEEP in the woods down some random unknown (to us) dirt road/path and all of a sudden we saw bear cubs climbing up trees and then a giant black mother bear ran in front of his Jeep, we were like oh f*** and tried turning around and then we ended up getting stuck in the mud... I got out all panicking and found a big stick to try and dig his jeep out while he was in the drivers seat, the entire time I could hear brushes rustling behind me and I thought for sure we were gonna get killed by bears and nobody would find us for weeks. Somehow we got his jeep out and we gunned it outta there back towards civilization.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2006
Red Hook, NY
1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.
No....got jury notices 3 times....first right after daughter was born....got off
2d I was assinged # 157....called in....jurors 1 -150 must report....same every day.....never made it past 150
3rd was a state case....filled out form, said I am self employed and couldn't do it.....never heard a word.....i think that one got me off for 14 years

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?
Hail storm / tornado warnings at a soccer tournament in PA
Worst spell of weather I have ever seen.....weithur LOL

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?
Don't like shopping, hate errands....heard thats why mens department is the first one in the store....get in get out

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?
Camping once .....terrible noise outside the tent...stuff crashing around......scratching noises on tent.....tent shaking....peeked outside to see a sasquatch rummaging through everything....was scared as hell.....thought about making a dash for the vehicle.....went on for awhile....but then I woke up


Queen in the North
Mar 30, 2010
Happy Friday! Some questions this week:

1) Have you ever had to testify in court or represented yourself in court? Also, any stories about jury duty are welcome, though some were discussed already.

2) Do you have a lucky charm, lucky shirt, etc., to do with the Bruins or otherwise?

3) What is the worst weather event you have gone through?

4) Do you enjoy shopping of any kind - clothing, grocery, other? Do you order most things on-line now or curbside pick-up?

5) Have you ever had a scary encounter with an animal, whether wildlife or domesticated animal?

1. No, but if called as a witness I would have.

My last jury duty, I was one of the last jurors dismissed when picking. It had to do with a sexual assault at a party in my city, I was aware of the case. The defendant was a smug little asshole. The victim was 15 when it happened, 16 now. She sat with her family and then ran out crying when she saw him. Me and the rest of the jurors looked at eachother, and then we heard a cackle and this LOSER of a teenager was laughing. His other lawyer elbowed him to stop. And he did. But man was he staring at all of us. The judge with both lawyers asked each of us if we knew of the case, me being from the city, I said I recalled of the incident but nothing more. Then I was asked if I had any law enforcement in my family, I said I did. His lawyer seemed fine by that. It wasn't until I was asked if I had any experiences with violence or potential violence against a woman and I said yes. I explained why. Then his silmy lawyer looked at me, shook my hand and thanked me for "telling the truth". The victims lawyer also nodded in agreement. He was more somber. The judge then told me I was dismissed. I knew I couldn't be impartial to the situation. And I never googled or asked what eventually happened. It really messed with my head.

2. Nothing Bruins wise. Whenever I wear Bruins or any of our sports teams gear on game day or a day before we lose. So I don't. I do wear an hourglass necklace along with my Miraculous Medal. The hourglass I got from the Days of Our Live store when I was in the 7th grade. The MM I started wearing my sophomore year of highschool. They never come off unless I'm taking a shower. I also have some special bracelets I wear that stay on as well.

3. In 2016 or 2017 there was a tornado watch in the city. I was home alone, my mom, sisters, and niece were at the mall at the time. The sky was....indescribable. the map showed a line and it was heading towards up near the mall. I called my sister and let her know what was going on since the mall has glass ceilings. They ran into the cvs in the mall and the lights flickered. Luckily it moved off shore and everyone was fine. No tornado. But being home alone and unable to help scared me enough.

4. Pre-pandemic yes. I loved grocery shopping. Going to shops for Halloween or Christmas things. Now I just do online. I don't like crowds.

5. When I was 5 years old (summer of 95') was mauled by my neighbors fully grown 100 pound male Rottweile, named Caesar. My neighbor was my dad's good friend so they invited us to a pool party. They have an inground pool. My mom was 7-8 months pregnant with my baby sister (keep this in mind). I can only swim with floating on my arms, so I stayed in the shallow in. I was very afraid of that dog so they kept him upstairs. My neighbors niece who was my age, asked if I wanted a popsicle. So I took my floaties off and said sure. So she inside the house. Unbeknownst to us, the dog got loose from upstairs and ran outside, making a beeline to me. I of course panicked and ran around all the tables, screaming, while the adults tried to grab the dog. He wasn't listening to commands. My mom being pregnant, couldn't grab me. Everyone then started to yell at me to "jump in the pool". Considering I couldn't swim at the time it wasn't an option. Then the adults tried to grab me, wasn't working.

So finally someone yelled "STOP" so I did. Keep in mind my back is towards the dog. We'll he pounced on my back. Hitting me to the ground. My face hit the concrete. And he bit my ass. His owner got him off. My mom was hysterical. I dont remember being carried to my house but I was. My mom called my dad who was working as a police Sgt at the time to come get me. My sister and brother stayed with my aunt who came to watch them. My dad, took me and my pregnant mom, in his police cruiser to the hospital. I couldn't sit down. I remember laying down in a hospital bed ass in the air. Doctors coming in. So embarrassing. Luckily, they decided I didn't need stitches or a tetanus shot. I had to get an antibiotic, and soak my ass for a few week because it bled.

Now I have a 5-7 inch scar on my left asscheek. Took me YEARS to not be afraid of "big dogs". Even now at 34, I still get nervous.

My neighbor apologized profusely. My dad being good friends but him didn't do anything with the dog. He was always aggressive though. He used to snort out the window if I walked by. Evil dog lol. But it was their pet. They loved him. Can't say I was too sad when he passed. It made me an advocate of people training their dogs properly, especially bigger breeds. Because they had no clue how to handle that thing.
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Miss Bergy, Savvy Quaider and Looch
Jun 8, 2007
next to the bench
After a couple of years, I have put up a new pole that holds 8 bird feeders. A bear had snapped the one I had for years.

I am happy most of my bird types have returned including the pair of pileated woodpeckers. They are big!

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