Rumor: Things Not Left Unsaid - Flyers Rumors And Media Mentions 4: Say, Say, Say What You Want But Don’t Play Games With My Attention

I have a better chance of waking up in between Scarlet Johansen and Sidney Sweeney tomorrow morning.
that would be amazing to wake up between them though lol, so in all seriousness, is this site working on anyones phones? i havent been able to get the site to work on my phone for over a week, wont even let me sign in, just says "oops, we've encountered an error"
This guy can’t accept any responsibility
The guy is an all time loser. He is what his record says that he is here: 97-104-32. He refuses to accept any responsibility for his failures. It's the same thing with him wherever he goes; put it on the players. Unfortunately he's going to burn it down as he heads out of the door. The players truly need to tune out this grumpy old man.
Real question.

Would any of us not be able to get near a 50/50 split as a HC in the NHL on a decent team?

You’re not drawing up as many plays as football, and draw up some inspirational speeches.

Systems aside. Like it would be possible.
Real question.

Would any of us not be able to get near a 50/50 split as a HC in the NHL on a decent team?

You’re not drawing up as many plays as football, and draw up some inspirational speeches.

Systems aside. Like it would be possible.

AV did it, so yeah with a good enough roster it might be easier than you'd expect. I mean, AV and Stevens did OK at times. Or at least, it once was a possibility if you had the basics of bench management. Increasing parity means competent coaching becomes every more important. Every team they add makes scouting, development, and coaching more important with more teams fighting for the talent.
AV did it, so yeah with a good enough roster it might be easier than you'd expect. I mean, AV and Stevens did OK at times. Or at least, it once was a possibility if you had the basics of bench management. Increasing parity means competent coaching becomes every more important. Every team they add makes scouting, development, and coaching more important with more teams fighting for the talent.
lucky for us we only want misfit broken toys and no skill grinders..

Offer sheet Bouchard for 12 mill. Force Edm to gut the team to match. Makes it more likely McDavid is gone. Then get McDavid. Or get Bouchard.
I am certain the Flyers would end up with a $12 million/year Bouchard, whose high-level offense would tank while his suspect defense stays mediocre. All for the additional price of 4 1st round picks.
Again just publicly throwing our goaltenders under the bus. Yes it’s true they haven’t been good enough but it’s shitty to say it out loud like that. Oh and f*** that POS.
Tortorella is just a pain in the ass. If Ersson was such a lousy goalie, why does he have a winning record this season with the club? Why did he win a game in the Four Nations tournament for Sweden? The season can't get over soon enough to show this guy the way out of town.
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