Visiting my sisters in Montreal from July 27 to Aug 10. Planning to catch one day of the Canadian Open tennis. Staying with one sister in Laurentians as well as a loft on Du Parc. Side-trip to Quebec City planned as well, with the other sis. My son has never seen Quebec City; wifey visited it in late October 2002 (we came then from Japan for my last McGill graduation), and was unprepared for how cold it was. This time will be the charm. Planning to go to bring-your-own-wine French places as well and maybe a smoked meat place again. Don't ask me to eat poutine: not my thing at all. Might also try to find a bar with nice cocktails.
The city has changed quite a bit since I've left as an expat (Japan, Germany, and now the US) in 2001.