that scene starts at about 1:52 (after the title sequence and the bit with the early humanoids)
I don't get it. Can you please explain to me what I'm watching? I watched the entire clip and saw nothing shocking.
that scene starts at about 1:52 (after the title sequence and the bit with the early humanoids)
I don't get it. Can you please explain to me what I'm watching? I watched the entire clip and saw nothing shocking.
Yeah, I way overestimated how easily I'd be able to reassemble my stuff and clear out to get good photos for reviews. My hope still is to get it done this week, especially after my first batch of photos turned out like crap because of the terrible lighting on my desk.
Meanwhile, 3 things:
1) Holy balls is it hard to find all the PoP line in Canada. I still haven't tracked down Slash or Optimus/Orion Pax. And now that wave 2 is coming out, I'm worried it's going to get more difficult without paying gougey eBay/Amazon marketplace prices (or risking eBay chinese knockoffs)
2) I appreciate to some extent the amount of figures in the lineup that come with a combiner gimmick, but it's a little dumb now that they're releasing combinable bots with no real intent on them fitting a particular themed combine team/set. Jazz turns into a limb, but there aren't enough combiner car style Autobots to make it work (particularly no torso-bot. Hell, wave 1 even had Beachcomber and Windcharger in it, but as the smallest non-mini figures, which means no gimmickry at all). Starscream can form a torso/core (which even has a really sweet head modeled after him wearing the crown from his Movie coronation, but there are only 2 other 'con jets in this line (Dreadwind and Darkwing) and the Titans Return/Combiner wars releases of the other seekers don't have optional limb modes. Why would you not have made it so that Starscream could combine with Thundercracker and Skywarp? And Elita-1 gets a figure (albeit a somewhat disappointing retool of the wave 1 Starscream figure), but there are only 2 other fembots in the whole trilogy of Prime Wars lines (Moonracer and Firestar..erm "Novastar") if you set aside the Victorion giftset, meaning you don't even get enough characters to make a classic female Autobot combiner when reasonably they could've made Arcee and Chromia figures to finish off the batch. Its almost as annoying as releasing 1 insecticon per Prime Wars line, meaning I bought Shrapnel with no way to go back in time and get Bombshell or Kickback without paying collector/scalper markups. (Or Chop Shop, which would be an awesome addition except that his figure is just the same Shrapnel fig with a different head and paintjob)
3) But for all that I'm ragging on the PoP line..... GIFTSET PREDAKING!!!!
Also I'm mildly geeking out for wave 2 including Battleslash and Roadtrap as legends figs. They're a random, mean-nothing character with no importance to hte brand, but I have a G1 duocon Battletrap figure that I got as a little kid, so seeing the opportunity to get a sweet new tech version makes me happy. Kind of like what I wanted with Topspin and Twintwist before I realized it was too late to find them at reasonable prices.
Any word on the release date of Predaking?
I was so angry they didn't make one in the first run. How could they leave Transformers out.The Toys That Made Us ( Netflix) is having a Transformers Episode sometime this year.
The Toys That Made Us ( Netflix) is having a Transformers Episode sometime this year.