I've been able to maintain myself pretty well. I'm 62 (in two weeks) and in similar shape to my 20's. I'm not generally tired and don't have aches and pains like a lot seem to get, but DAMN do I ever recover much slower than I did as a kid. I quit MMA/BJJ at 51 because of how long it was taking to heal up from stuff. Like 5 weeks for a shoulder thing that would have been a week at worst when I was 30. OH, and my hangovers are f***in NUCLEAR now. I used to be able to get blackout, wake up in the morning/afternoon and wash down 3 ibuprofen with a can of classic coke and be fine by the time I finished my first cup of coffee. Now? Whole day would be SHOT. hahahaha. I guess its a good thing, I've reigned in my excesses in that department tremendously. Edibles and mushrooms don't get you hung over. hahaha.