Yea that’s why I said later on that this may apply to most goalies. They all have a good amount of nights where they make lots of amazing saves, but then let in a couple soft goals.
Those "soft goals".......(for example last nights 1st goal) can sometimes be "missed" shots. I think Hank anticipated a much better, harder and maybe "higher" shot from Scheifele. He will blame himself......because it looked bad, but does Scheifele say, that is what he was trying to do? I doubt it. I don't blame Hank for that goal. It literally was luck. Imo.
IMHO, goalies make the majority of "those kind of great saves" that you wouldn't expect any human being to make. It's those "throw it to the net" crazy kind of bounces or pucks they don't see......that go in at a higher percentage. Hey, I am NO VALLEY, nor want to be......but that is what i see.
If I am a coach, I would absolutely EVERYDAY emphasize getting the puck to the net past the first line of defense. An easy save can mean an easy rebound goal. A deflection off of a defenseman that caroms to an offensive player. Those kind of goals happen WAY MORE OFTEN, than a tic-tac-toe, highlight reel kind of play.........per sé.
You can have all the possession time you want, cycling and cycling, but if you dont eventually "throw the puck, at the net" what is your chance of scoring? ZERO!
Any player, with any kind of decent hands can score 20+ goals, just by camping put in front of the net, and around that immediate area. Throw the puck at the net!
Need proof? 2 guys come to mind. Vesey has 12. How many were talented individual efforts? Snipes? His goals come from being in the right place at the right time, or receiving amazing gifts from Zuccha or Hayes, in which my MOTHER could put in the net. Just saying.
Kreider. He has 24 to date. Not taking anything away from him and his improving his offensive game.......but, aren't a larger amount of his goals coming via deflections and hard work around the net?