I've been playing poker for over 15 years... 10's of thousands of hours... which is likely millions of hands played...
The last couple of months I've been playing nearly every day on Pokerstars, and I just can't believe what's happening when it comes to the number of bad beats I'm receiving...
It's like I'm being set up over and over again to lose money... and my opponents are regularly being rewarded for making bad calls
Just in the last couple of days...
AA vs 99 in a $55 MTT
99 limps from 1st position, I'm to their immediate left, and raise 4x the BB, folds around to the limper who shoves, and he spikes a 9 on the flop
66 vs 33 $33 MTT
All in preflop... 3 on the river
88 vs A10 $33 MTT
I limp, button raises, SB calls with A10, I call... flop comes 8, K, Q... the flop checks through... I bet 2/3 pot on the turn and get called by A10... jack on the river... opponent bets big, I call
AJ vs J9 Deep in a $33 MTT
I shove from early position for 10 BB... it folds around to the chip leader on the BB who thinks for a long while before calling with J9 offsuit... 9 on the flop
AJ vs J10
I raise from early position, SB calls... flop comes J,J,K... I bet, SB calls... Q on the turn, I bet, SB calls... 10 on the river... opponent bets big on the river, I call
QQ vs 43
Blinds 100/200...3 limpers + the SB calls, I have QQ in the BB blind and raise to 1200, only the SB calls... flop comes 4, 5, 6, all clubs... SB leads out with a small bet, I overbet shove, SB calls... 2 on the river
AJ vs Q9
Q9 limps from early position, I raise from the button with AJ suited... flop comes A, J, K... I bet 600 into an 800 pot, and get called... 10 on the turn... check, check... opponent bets big on the river, I call
AQ vs A9
Flop comes A, K, 2 all hearts... I bet, opponent calls... 9 of hearts on the turn, and I'm holding the Q of hearts, so I bet, opponent calls... 9 on the river
AA vs AK
AK raises preflop, I'm to their left and just call... flop comes 6, 7, 9 all spades... AK bets, I shove, AK calls holding the A of spades... spade on the river
This one almost made me cry today...
We're deep in a $55 MTT
I've got KQ in the BB and get min raised from early position by 44
I call to see a flop... which comes Q, 9, 7
I check... 44 puts me all in... I call... 4 on the river
Just think about the odds here...
He happens to raise my BB with 44... I happen to flop top pair... I check to induce a bet... he happens to shove... and then hits a 2 outer
He's less than 9% to win that hand when all the money goes in... but he just happens to get super lucky while it's my tournament life on the line
Like I said, I'm an experienced poker player, so I don't need a lesson on variance... I know full well sometimes an opponent will get lucky and hit their card, but the frequency in which it's happening is becoming unbearable...
Losing 3 or 4 coin flips in a row I can handle... but what's been happening recently goes well beyond that