On what could have been (for me a very memorable) and a very joyous win, turned out to be quite the painful loss.
Allow me to explain. Down1-3, taking a penalty.....I'm like; "we need a shorty", then Schneideer miraculously scored with an amazing wrist shot. AWESOME! I yell and scream, "I called that", okay fine, I am sure many say the same thing, "BUT I WAS FEELING IT"! Now, down 2-3.
A minute left on PK, I'm like; "OKAY, let's get another one!" Let's go Mika and Kreids! Blew the almost 1st opportunity, lets GO! Pressure at the blue line, (MUCH to my happiness) it's Mika and Kreider, Kreider to Mika, back to Kreider, to Mika back to Kreider......SCORE!
I'm now totally freaking out, HAVE IT ON TAPE, "I called that, I so called that, the both of them!" Anyone wanna see? Hah! I doubt anyone will even see this entry. I'm very sad.