i'm not even a huge pro-gun guy(i don't even own a firearm) but it's like the anti-gun guys want to take the stance that inflicting restrictive, authoritarian rules on a largely law-abiding society where an absurdly small percentage of the population abuses their rights to own a weapon will somehow have a trickle-down effect whereupon laws and rules for people who do follow them will become a hindrance for people that don't. Just like how we've banned alcohol and drugs, right?
my eyesight??
Everyone has a little glaucoma in the them.my eyesight??
Everyone has a little glaucoma in the them.
It'll also make you less stressed out about getting you eyes cut open.
I had an eye operation in the 1970s. I am pretty sure they took my eyed about and smacked it like the side of a TV with a vertical hold problem, but it cleared me right up. You'll do fine.
Your eyes only get worse as you age and as a Jeff18 year old you are going to put a lot more miles on your eyes. You'll be hurting in your 40s and 50s.
I was kidding too. I get what you were saying. That article is telling me not to do it btw.
I know they will give me Alprazolam before they begin. I have no doubt medical marijuana is useful in certain cases and I think it will be interesting to see how it will contribute to medicine now that it's becoming more legalised. Maybe we can give it to people who have a tendency to shoot up theatres or reporters.
Other way around dude. If I lose my contacts while I am out of the house, I am screwed because I won't be able drive home. I wouldn't be able to see stop signs, red lights, and cyclists, just my hands and the steering wheel. They should make contacts eyedrops so you can just drop a few drops on your eye and it will form a contact by itself. This way I can just carry around the eyedrop bottle.
I'm thinking about getting Lasik. Contacts annoy the hell outta me. But I saw that they use a small blade to peel back the cornea after they cut it with a laser. Kind of freaked me out.
Parenting has seemed to slipped lately. I try to hire young people all the time, but they lack all kinds of basic skills.
IE: Show up on time, shower, shave, don't have a million tattoos ETC. So hard to find good young people, that can use critical thinking skills, and solve problems.
Back in my day...
Medical Marijuana can cure that. It cures anything.
Does it cure baldness? If so I am going to be a lodi.
Let's get something clear
loadie- drug user
Lodi- a place near Sacramento where John Fogerty would get stuck
You know how you can tell who the loaodies are in this thread?