The NHL would be better off doing its own World Cup every two years during the summer. That would get more attention that anything the Olympics could offer.
I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you. The Olympics would out-trump an NHL sponsored World Cup any day. I’d be willing to bet that a majority of the World Cup audience would already be fans of the game. Whereas with an international stage like the Olympics, you’re going to not only get the die-hard fan but the “casual fan” to tune in as well.
"growing the game" by the Olympic participation of NHL players is a myth especially in America. If you seriously think that people in Alabama start watching N.Y. Rangers games on TV because they saw hockey in the Olympics you are kidding yourself. There is a very large portion of the American public who will never watch any hockey except in the Olympics.
Will NHL players in the Olympics grow the game so much that it will rival the NFL, NBA, or MLB? No, which is something we all should know by now. But if anything is going to “grow the game”, having NHL players in the Olympics, best vs. best if you will, is your best marketing tool... The Olympics give hockey (and the NHL) the world-wide stage for two weeks every four years. Will it make that Alabama barstool jockey an avid NHL fan… who knows… maybe, maybe not. But the exposure the Olympics do give the sport and to the NHL isn’t going to hurt the game either.
For example, after the US beat the Russians in the preliminaries, you could find highlights of the game on just about every news source… NBC (of course), ABC, CBS, CNN… If I recall correctly, it was actually the opening story for ABC evening news. Now that’s a US non-hockey network leading their national broadcast with hockey highlights. The re-airing of the shoot-out also drew a very large audience. TJ Oshie pretty much became an overnight sensation (adding around
130,000 Twitter followers and even a shout-out from President Obama). Several Team USA players were also on
The Today Show. That’s national exposure in a country where the NFL and NASCAR reign supreme. Do you think that would happen with the World Cup?
So, will Canada and USA willfully just hand the Olympic metals in ice-hockey to other nations by having their best players stay back while the others bring their cream from KHL and other European leagues?
I wonder what the players would say if you asked them which would mean more to them:
Winning a Gold Medal (or Trophy… or some other chachka) in the World Cup or winning a Gold Medal in the Olympics.
Some people here keep repeating that Europeans don't matter while forgetting that without Europeans, NHL can't get a World Cup going. If they still plan on splitting all the revenue between NHL and NHLPA, there's a fat chance of Europeans taking part.
Excellent point! What’s the incentive for the Europeans to participate in the World Cup if all revenues go to the NHL and the NHLPA? I suppose something would be worked out where European teams would see their fair share of revenue, however if all those countries get a piece of the pie, how much is left for the NHL? And is it enough to be worth it? At least with the WOG’s, the IOC and various nations are picking up the tab. It’s free exposure on an international stage…
And as far as the NHL and the owners having to suspend the season for a few weeks every four years… All I have to ask them is, “
how many times (and for how long) have you shut down the NHL while you and the NHLPA bickered about money.” (Not trying to start anything or taking any sides here, just stating what has happened in the past

). At least this season (one that includes a hiatus for the WOG’s), unlike last season, you’re getting in all 82 games without having to extend the regular season. As far as the league and the owners not having any rights to photos/video/merchandising in regards to their players, I think the IOC needs to “give a little” in this department. The IOC needs to step off its high-horse and start acknowledging and giving the league and the owners the respect and gratitude they deserve.
I’ll admit that I’m biased, I love the Olympics, always have… always will. So of course I want to see my country being represented by the nation’s best (in all disciplines, not just hockey). While I would watch a World Cup series, I don’t know if it would provide me with the feelings and emotions I feel during the WOG’s. I mean c’mon…. It’s the Olympics.
Fire away!