That's extremely short-sighted. If the league folded tomorrow I guarantee over half of the "die-hard hockey fans" wouldn't start watching the KHL / lower leagues.
Profit comes from growth. Even if you take away corporate profit, hockey is already the most gate-kept major North American sport; if the players make any less money than they do now, why wouldn't parents just enroll their kids in soccer, football, baseball, basketball where the costs are fewer, the skills training less specialized, the injuries fewer/less debilitating, and the professional opportunities are both more varied and lucrative?
A sport like hockey requires specialized equipment; specialized playing surface; and a team. It's expensive to start playing, it's expensive to keep playing, and if anyone makes it to the top, they make millions less than professional athletes in other team sports; an elite hockey player might only make 50-100 million in a career, where there are professionals in baseball, basketball, football, soccer, making that in a single contract.
So yeah - if you like the highest professional level of hockey being played in North America, you do want growth. I also could not care less about corporate profit but I care about the health of the sport; the players aren't playing for free. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that if you polled every player if they wanted the League to grow, the answer would be a near-unanimous "yes."
It's like none of you have ever had a job or practised business logistics before.