Is it Doc Hollywood?
I bought Suicide Squad on Google Play last night. I thought Margot and Will were excellent. I liked the show overall but some of the acting wasn't the best.
Cara Delevigne should not act. She was moving awkwardly doing these odd body shimmers all movie and I could not figure out what she was doing.
I thought Jared Leto did a really good job as the Joker, I still prefer Heath though. Heath Ledger had an iconic performance for the ages on his character, but I thought Leto was amazing too and I liked where he took the character.
I liked Will Smith in the movie quite a bit, and the Pyro and Croc guys were really cool. But Harley Quinn stole the show for a number of reasons. :naughty;
Didn't want to get excited. Failed.
Guardians of the Galaxy is he best. My favourite movie of the MCU so far. Can't wait for the 2nd one.
I watched that movie like a week ago; man... I'm happy it didn't get any of my money. The movie got chopped to bits, it's hard to follow, the story is just strange, Will is by far the best actor; and we're talking like... multitude of times better than his cast-mates. Like you mentioned Hox, Care Delevigne should just stick to being T&A; because she was horrible. They tried to build these back stories and it just kind of failed.
I had the opposite opinion on Leto; I thought that was the worst Joker ever created for any screen media (Movie, TV, Video Games). Just from how bad he looked to how he was portrayed. I don't know if it's Leto, the script or the way that cut that thing; but I was like... so he's just a gangster who likes to drive fast and laugh? We didn't get to see that pure madness that someone like Ledger brought out (to be fair, Dark Knight is an amazing film, where as Suicide Squad was horriblay).
I did enjoy seeing Ike Barinholtz though![]()
Saw Rogue One last night. Pretty much everything I wanted out of a non-Jedi-oriented storyline. The CGI for the space battles is on point.
The OA on Netflix is really good, guys.
I must be the only one who has Force Awakens as the best Star Wars movie. Rogue one is 3rd behind Empire IMO.
Was looking at it, will watch.
what does OA stand for?
Saw Rogue One a second time. Still very good but there are certain things I don't love about it, and the second viewing confirmed it:
1) The cuts are somewhat erratic and don't linger on the moment enough to lend a proper sense of gravitas.
2) Perceived key characters (Saw Gerrera for instance) don't get nearly enough screentime to flesh out their motivations/story.
3) Jyn Erso is Kristen Stewart levels of emotionless for the majority of a movie that is about exploring her past to lead to a better future.
Overall the movie lacks a certain polish that VII enjoyed, but if I recall correctly, there were some "emergency re-shoots" ordered by the studio due to the financial success of The Force Awakens and this may have influenced some key cutting room decisions.
Really hoping for an Extended Cut edition when it's released for home viewing.