I listened to the interview with Benning on Donny and Dhali last month. He said he had no idea where the Nate Schmidt wanting out came from and it’s unequivocally untrue.
It was of course true.
lied about Peterson injury day to day (was season ending)
Any reporter gonna have the nuts to ask him about his straight up lying to the fans over and over and over ?
Eh. I don't expect Benning to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when dealing with the media. Him issuing a categorical denial on the issue with Schmidt
might have been an attempt to give himself some bargaining power. Knowing that Benning had a player who was wanting to be out vs. looking to move a player due to cap hit or whatever looks a little bit better.
Where it devolves into the farcical is when at his presser he is completely caught off-guard when asked about it again, going so far as to state he doesn't understand the question (to be fair, it was fumbled slightly in delivery and Benning
might not have heard it properly), but then goes on to waffle about the situation and makes a really weird case about how management was in contact with Schmidt's agent 3-4 times a day for the past couple of weeks but never once spoke to the player directly before further elaborating that it is Schmidt's agent's
job to communicate with him.
While that may be true, the notion that you're talking to a guy's agent multiple times a day over a period of several weeks without
once communicating with the actual player (particularly if, as Benning characterized it, management were the ones who had made the decision to move Schmidt), it sort of demands the question as to
why you're in contact with him 3-4 times a day over a period of several weeks.
Like, if you're going to lie. Lie competently.