Frankie Spankie
Registered User
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 8.5/10
I actually backed this on Kickstarter years ago and I'm glad I did. It does just about everything right. The exploration was great, combat was solid, music was awesome, they even threw in some ridiculousness like a demon shredding on the guitar that shoots stuff at you. The dev team clearly designed this game to be fun and fun it was. My only complaints are I think the controls could be a little tighter, the controls are menus were actually really bad IMO (if you're using an analog stick and press down and like 5 degrees to the right, it thinks you press right,) and some of the animations were kind of janky in animations. I want to emphasize that I don't think the controls were bad, they were still good, there were just some moments where they don't feel as good as they should be in chaotic moments. Overall, still an awesome game. If you want to play a Castlevania game, this is a must play. Definitely one of the best games of 2019 so far.
I actually backed this on Kickstarter years ago and I'm glad I did. It does just about everything right. The exploration was great, combat was solid, music was awesome, they even threw in some ridiculousness like a demon shredding on the guitar that shoots stuff at you. The dev team clearly designed this game to be fun and fun it was. My only complaints are I think the controls could be a little tighter, the controls are menus were actually really bad IMO (if you're using an analog stick and press down and like 5 degrees to the right, it thinks you press right,) and some of the animations were kind of janky in animations. I want to emphasize that I don't think the controls were bad, they were still good, there were just some moments where they don't feel as good as they should be in chaotic moments. Overall, still an awesome game. If you want to play a Castlevania game, this is a must play. Definitely one of the best games of 2019 so far.