How many players have forced their way out of their current teams.
A bunch, and we never know what goes on behind the curtain, so the media draws the conclusions that make for the best stories and we eat them up like popcorn at the movies.
Sometimes, if we like the player, he escapes the confines of his former prison team and arrives safe in the bosom of another. And sometimes, if we don't like the player, he bitched and moaned and misbehaved himself out of a situation and will continue to be a malcontent cuz that's who he is.
And for the ones that stay put? If we like them, they stood up for themselves and got the deal they deserved. If we don't like them -- or didn't like the outcome -- then he's a money-grubbing asshole that lied to everyone and doesn't want to win.
We don't know enough to draw any of these conclusions except in very rare occasions when the truth is actually revealed. Most of the time, like this one, we just choose the story we like best and behave like it's the truth.
Garrett seems like a good dude that loves to play. Getting what he said he wanted might very well have required refusing to play; refusing to live up to his word. A guy like that might try to get out WITHOUT compromising himself in those ways, find that he can't do it in a way he's comfortable with, and make the most out of staying put.
See? That's a nifty little story I just made up that could just as easily be true, and probably has been in the past...
Maybe you'll keep picking the supposition you prefer, or maybe you'll admit that you don't know. Up to you.