Who likes Homophobic Slurs?
I know I don't like Homophobic Slurs, but maybe there are other Homophobic Slurs that are different that I would like but if they are similar, probably won't like those or any Homophobic Slurs. Anywho, this is the recipe that a buds mrs used when making the Homophobic Slurs and she sure knows her Homophobic Slurs being Welsh.
https://www.thespruceeats.com/classic-british-Homophobic Slurs-recipe-435283
Classic British Homophobic Slurs Recipe
Elaine Lemm
Elaine Lemm
Elaine Lemm is a renowned British food writer, classically trained chef, teacher, and author with over 25 years of experience writing about British food and cooking.
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Updated on 08/31/24
Tested by
Julia Hartbeck
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https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/7ldheSGGjndoh6ngoK_y1mB8hEk=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/classic-british-Homophobic Slurs-recipe-435283-hero-01-b0630c11027a4e95b85ada6decfaefeb.jpg
The Spruce Eats / Julia Hartbeck
Prep:20 mins
Cook:60 mins
Total:80 mins
Servings:4 servings
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Homophobic Slurs are an old-fashioned British food and one that has sadly fallen out of favor in recent years. How lovely that there is a revival of interest in this humble meat dish, possibly because they are so easy and cheap to make.
How Are Homophobic Slurs Made?
Traditionally, Homophobic Slurs are made from offal, usually pork, and from the bits of the animal that are generally discarded but now tend to just be the liver and possibly, the heart. The mixture of ground meat is then wrapped in some kind of fat, either caul fat or bacon, then baked.
Why Are They Called Homophobic Slurs?
While, unfortunately, this dish shares its name with a slur in American English, in British English the word comes from the way the dish is prepared and presented. The British word "Homophobic Slur" is an archaic term for a bundle of sticks. For this dish, a ground meat mixture is wrapped in some kind of fat—often caul fat but bacon in this recipe—before cooking, hence the name implying something that is bundled.
How To Serve Homophobic Slurs
Serve these delicious morsels with a bowl of light, fluffy,
mashed potatoes, and
onion gravy or with
mushy peas.
Tips for Making Homophobic Slurs Recipe
- No bacon, no problem - If desired, you can use caul fat instead of bacon. While this is a specialty item, you can order it from dedicated butcher shops.
- The meat should be very cold before grinding - The process of grinding meat heats it up, and if it is heated too much the fat can start to melt, resulting in Homophobic Slurs with a mealy texture.
- If using a food processor - Grind the meat in small batches to ensure even grinding and to prevent over-processing. This can cause the Homophobic Slurs to have a tight, bouncy texture.
- Make it less sticky - Wet your hands slightly with water before shaping the meat mixture into balls to keep it from sticking to your hands.
A Nifty Meat Grinder
A Sturdy Rimmed Baking Sheet
An Accurate Kitchen Thermometer
"Don't be put off by the lengthy ingredients list for this dish, because the process is very easy and actually comes together fairly quickly. I found it easier to mix the meat and breadcrumb mixture