Finally found an image. Not a Bulova but the old Sports Timer - original Montreal Forum clock in the north end, up high. Most of the clock is visible in the upper left:
That's the only one I found - cropped that image of it and put it in my first post in this thread. Didn't remember where I got it from; likely should have wrote it down at the time I found and mentioned it here when I posted - thanks for the link.
Found a little more on the SporTimer.
The Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston site has this listed:
Port Arthur Shipbuilding Fonds - Engineering/Production Serires - Subseries Engineering Correspondence.
992.50.20 1930 Sportimer file [Clock for sports arena]
Contacted them and they expanded a bit on what they have in the file. They sent me a just over 1 page document giving a general idea of what they have in the 3 boxes of the SporTimer file. Here's a part of it . In the first box in the Sales file they have:
o Sportimer - Port Arthur Arena
o Sportimer - Winnipeg Arena
o J. F. Sullivan re: sale of SporTimers
o Sportimer - Detroit Olimpia
o Sportimer - Fort William arena
o Sportimer - Miscellaneous sales file
If I wanted detailed information their $50/hour research time fee would kick in, but you are able to get some limited information on the files without this and they charge 50 cents/page. I am getting some of the smaller blueprints they have as the larger ones wouldn't be able to scan on a regular scanner and will have to be scanned externally at a cost of $10 each.
So for $25, I am getting 50 pages sent to me digitally that contain the smaller blueprints they have in the SporTimer file and topping the number up to 50 with some pages from the Fort William Arena sales file.
So I was looking through pictures of the Detroit Olympia online and found this photo on the Virtual Motor City Project:
and this one from a Pageant from 1939.
Not sure if SporTimer had a clock in the Olympia before the Bulova one as I have no details on the Sales file and if they actually sold one to the Olympia. But if they did possible this was it?