Pre-Game Talk: The Biggest Dilemma Of Them All - Edm vs TB tomorrow @ 7 PM

Bring my jinxed cursed buddy to the game or tell him no chance he’s going?

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Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
A dilemma is a problem that has two solutions, neither of which have a good outcome.

I have a massive dilemma for the game tomorrow.

I promised to take my long time friend to the Oiler game tomorrow night. We were supposed to go last week to a game but he forgot. So I said let’s do the Tampa game instead.

But now here is the problem. I take him to one or two games a year and the Oilers have NEVER WON when I’ve taken him. EVER.

In fact his luck is so bad that last year we were supposed to fly to Buffalo to see the Oilers play Buffalo, Boston and Toronto and the morning of the flight and the Buffalo game Air Canada canceled our flight and a storm hit the east coast so I had to sell all our tickets as the trip got shitcanned.

Plus he always wears this shitty old Darcy f***ing Hordichuk jersey he was given. The player only diehard Oiler fanatics know played for us and when we absolutely sucked.

I told him if he was ever going to another Oiler game with me he had to ditch the unlucky jersey and buy a new one. So he bought an old used Coffey jersey on eBay to wear.

So he now has a new old Coffey jersey and Coffey is a huge part of our turnaround so that’s good BUT is it enough to break his unreal bad luck curse?

Do I risk taking him to the game and the Oilers losing?

OR do I tell him he has to wait for the streak to be over before I bring him to a game and risk losing a 45 year friendship?

HFOil be my guide and answer the POLE!

Also this; Erne must have pulled a muscle eating popcorn. Kanes middling play of late is probably because he has a minor injury. Bouchard is resting his bomb muscles.

If he is as good a friend as you say he is, he will understand and stay home and watch the game while you take me instead. They have won the last 2 games I've been to. This transcends friendship. I know your friend did a very good thing and change out the jersey, but can we really afford to take chances?;)
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