Going to start potty training my son this week. He's 2 years and 4 months old. I want to let him walk around naked for a week just chasing after him and getting him into the washroom every 30 minutes to train him but the wife wants to take a more measured approach.
Good luck man. I think it took like 2-3 times with our son before it finally took. Some pointers that may or may not work (kids are so unpredictable) but helped us:
- celebrate a success like the Avs just won their 6th Stanley Cup in a row. Honestly. Give the kid rewards - stickers or whatever. My kid got some mini m&ms when he pee’d and a tiny chocolate egg when he dropped a deuce.
- the naked day didn’t work for my son; I was all gung ho on it and eventually caved to do the underwear thing and every 30 minutes. Be flexible. To help my kid understand wet is bad we literally put a soggy pair of underwear in one of his hands and a dry one in his other, so that he understood the difference and we weren’t just using words. That seemed to be a game changer for my son but yeah everyone’s different.
- whatever days you do this, be 100% locked in. Put away the phones, distractions and anything else. A lot of my friends have failed toilet training because they completely half-assed it. You pretty much have to clear the calendar of an entire weekend to make this work. Give kid lots of juice to get him goin.
Good luck and Godspeed to ya. My daughter is about a year away from toilet training and I can’t wait. Not having to change diapers anymore is truly bliss.