Based and Rangerspilled.
I will never buy another Blizzard game again. I have spent so much money on WoW and Diablo over the years and they destroyed both games. They gave me a lot of good times, but their vision and motives have gone to hell.
Just finished Dark Souls 2 on Ps4. I'm too **** to PvP so I mostly just stuck to beating up bosses with online co-op lol - took out the last boss with 2 online players and an NPC, she went down in like 10 seconds. Going to be getting Bloodborne soon and just bought Mortal Kombat X today.
Still have to get through Shadows of Mordor, The Last of Us Remastered before Arkham Knight drops in a couple of months.
Finally a decent game selection on the PS4!![]()
I will never buy another Blizzard game again. I have spent so much money on WoW and Diablo over the years and they destroyed both games. They gave me a lot of good times, but their vision and motives have gone to hell.
Just finished Dark Souls 2 on Ps4. I'm too **** to PvP so I mostly just stuck to beating up bosses with online co-op lol - took out the last boss with 2 online players and an NPC, she went down in like 10 seconds. Going to be getting Bloodborne soon and just bought Mortal Kombat X today.
Still have to get through Shadows of Mordor, The Last of Us Remastered before Arkham Knight drops in a couple of months.
Finally a decent game selection on the PS4!![]()
I will never buy another Blizzard game again. I have spent so much money on WoW and Diablo over the years and they destroyed both games. They gave me a lot of good times, but their vision and motives have gone to hell.
Thats how i feel about all the new CoDs. Just a dumpster fire of ****.
I stopped after ghost. I was very disappointed in the game. But yeah they basically ran out of ideas so they just keep doing futuristic ****.What soured your take on Blizzard games?
I finally stopped COD this year. Talk about a incredibly popular broken record for the last few years.
Right now I'm only playing NHL games and want to expand. Any suggestions? The themes can be anything, as long as it's a good game.
Still rocking the 360.
Right now I'm only playing NHL games and want to expand. Any suggestions? The themes can be anything, as long as it's a good game.
Still rocking the 360.
Right now I'm only playing NHL games and want to expand. Any suggestions? The themes can be anything, as long as it's a good game.
Still rocking the 360.
What soured your take on Blizzard games?
I think he means xbox 360
Some of it is definitely romanticizing, which is most often blamed by those who defend Blizzard as the primary reason us jaded folk dislike what they've done with those franchises. I openly admit the fact I had so much fun playing Diablo 1 and 2, WoW Vanilla - WoTLK is part of the reason I find them to be better iterations of the games. However my primary reasons for hating Blizzard revolve around the monetizing the games and catering to the lowest common denominator. Look at Vanilla WoW, and even the following two expansions in terms of difficulty, and reward versus effort and time spent compared to the three previous expansions. Night and day differences. I do like some of the accessibility they added to WoW, and they did improve the game greatly over the years in terms of streamlining the experience, but in the process they also killed a lot of what made the game so rewarding. Micro-transactions are absurd on every level. The handling of gold farming was also bush league from day one, but I don't chalk that up to any portion of my resentment that keeps me from supporting them, insofar as WoW goes.
Diablo 3 was a disaster. I have written dissertations on why that game fell light years short of it's predecessors, but the most disappointing was obviously the addition of a paid AH which not only enabled a P2W factor for a primarily PvE game (at launch) which makes 10,000% no sense, but also killed the defining element of a series in the reward of farming for your gear sets. It didn't help that the gear and skills were so incredibly vanilla that you didn't have much room for creativity to begin with. The icing on the cake was botting and exploitation of the AH which undermined an already bad system. D3's only saving grace was despite it gutting a legendary franchise the game-play was actually fun for the most part. It just was not fun enough to overlook the warts in the long term. I haven't played since before the expansion, but I cannot bring myself to spend the money on it, even if it did make the game better.
Honestly though the thing that pissed me off the most about D3 was the insulting dialogue and story. ActIV is an abomination and Diablo went from a mysterious, dark, brooding shadow looming over you from the start of the game to this poorly written comic book villain who you wanted to kill more because he annoyed you, than the fact he was the ultimate evil.
When they parted ways with the old Diablo team from Blizzard North we should have all known it would have been much more like WoW than Diablo.
Diablo 3 was an über let down.
WoW will never be as engrossing as it was in Vanilla/BC. In 2004-2006, there had never been a game with such breadth and depth. I was the first time where you actually felt as if you were in a virtual world. The community was also fresh and excited.
I think the streamlining was a good thing, and LFR gave people a chance to taste end game without having to be in a top tier raiding guild.
I really think the issue is that the community is stale and bored, but they can't put the game down. The actual changes to the game were good. Would you still want to spam LFG in Org, walk 10 zones, and have someone go AFK?
I know what "the 360" is. I was asking if he wanted to stay with a console or try PC.
I agree, the community was part of what made early WoW incredible. Everyone growing together with the game and watching it reach an apex was a big part of the fun. It took the MMO genre to new places, and outside of the hardcore DAoC PvPers, WoW PvP was on another level compared to early grinder MMOs. Especially on the 1v1 and 1vX level. I don't think I will ever find a more gratifying experience than solo Blackrock Mountain PvP during peak raid hours.
LFG/LFR queues and cross-server queues to extent are one of the improvements I feel made the game better. I played on Magtheridon US from release to almost the end of Vanilla and it was a big server, and the community was fantastic, but cross-server BGs and later raids really helped smaller servers, one of which I played on towards the end. As the game progressed however the sense of community dropped significantly and I do feel that was somewhat because of the cross-server queues. You didn't necessarily have to get to know people on your server as much because you could just queue solo to find dungeon and raid groups. On top of that everything became about gear score over skill and reputation. That, however, is an entirely separate issue.
I also vehemently disagree with the gear scaling. I know some will look at it as just numbers and whether you do 2000 damage on level 60 skill or 20,000 on a level 90 one is irrelevant, but to me they should have never scaled the gear so significantly during The Burning Crusade.
I digress, your original point still stand that the original release was captivating to a degree that no expansion can ever recreate. I'm not sure another MMO can ever recreate that again. I played Warhammer Online, and Rift a fair amount and while they both had their appeals at launch, neither matched the immersion WoW did initially. In hindsight to me this is actually surprising because when I saw the first screens of WoW I laughed at how "cartoonish" the game looked, months later I was pumping it in my veins like a drug addiction.![]()
Macs and games are like oil and water, so I'll stay with my Xbox, which I'm pretty sure is going to die soon, but whatever.
If anyone plays on PS3 anymore add Silenceofplams
anyone play WoW/Hearthstone/Diablo 3?
The initial exposure to WoW was so captivating [it's hard for non-vanilla/BC players to understand] that I've returned for at least one "tour of duty" for the last 3 expansions.
^Has level 3 garrison including level 3 fishing shack [the most tedious quest I had to do since...ever], almost at level 3 menagerie
I just froze it a few days ago because my group stopped playing, and I hadn't used the account in about 5 weeks. I already started itching for PVP.
Again, I don't think it's just a nostalgia thing about early WoW. The game was raw in many ways, but it really was a world.
I played Cataclysm for a short spell because I wanted to see the new leveling zones and Grim Batol/Deathwing's lair in the wetlands was one of my favorite non-accessable areas of Vanilla because of the mystery, followed by Caverns of Time which you could access in Vanilla through ghost bugging the door, it got me pumped for BC when they finally released the instances there.
Edit: Oh and Karazhan which is still one of the best raids of all time.