13 is fun once you accept what it is. If you enjoyed 12 and 15 you will like 13 and even Lightning Returns. They are unique enough to enjoy. I like combat a bit more in 13 than 15.XV is super underrated. Its a bit rough around the edges but there's a game that really is more than the sum of its parts. It has a lot of hidden things that make it really special but you have to dig for them. The Royal Addition added a lot. Also the visuals are great, better than VII:Remake. Great music, too.
Im on a major FF kick the past month or so. Beat the Remake, Platinumed the VIII Remaster, and now i'm playing Crisis Core for the first time, really liking it so far. I'm pretty nervous about what to do once i'm don with it, though. Feel like i'm all out of FF games, aside from XIII
Yeah same. I loved X so much and I wanted more when I finished and I started up X-2. It was horrible.FF 13 was bad.
I tried so hard to push through it but couldn’t. Only FF X-2 has the distinction of being started and not completed by me and I only played that because it came with the ff x hd remaster.
FF 13 was bad.
I tried so hard to push through it but couldn’t. Only FF X-2 has the distinction of being started and not completed by me and I only played that because it came with the ff x hd remaster.
As convoluted as its story is, FF13 actually has one that is completed. It also doesn’t casually drop major bombshells about main characters and never address them again, like somebody being a f***ing robot. That plot twist could have been written and told better by a six year old!
The section on Gran Pulse is far superior to any part of FF15. There are also unforgettable moments like first arriving in Oerba. Moments that SE was going for the same effect with in FF15, like the Leviathan fight, are just a mess.
Not saying either is a great game, but years down the line FF15 will find itself at the bottom of the FF ladder pretty easily.
Gran Pulse was the better part of the game, imo. But I think FF XV just has more to offer.
I look at games like FF 4, 6,7, 8, 10 and 12 And those still stand as my favorites. Which is unfortunate for some that were released before the better technology/graphics. FF VII remake is most likely a top 3 for me now since they added up to date graphics and gameplay and kept the story pretty intact for the most part.
Definitely partial to the pre-13 games as well.
I think a lot of FF13’s bad reputation is tied to SE’s reputation at the time. This was just when things were starting to go south at SE. Expectation were super high for FF13.
They were high for FF15 as well, but SE had sufficiently proven at that point that they were an incompetent company. I think there was also just some relief to see the game out in the wild.
FF 13 was bad.
I tried so hard to push through it but couldn’t. Only FF X-2 has the distinction of being started and not completed by me and I only played that because it came with the ff x hd remaster.
Finally finished Remake. I have my issues with it, (I thought some of the added sections just seemed like busy work to stretch it out) but as a whole, very excellent game, very happy with it. The uncertainty of the plans for this franchise going forward are what really worries me. Wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t see the next installment for many years. Also wouldn’t be surprised if it happened at the end of the PS5’s life cycle. We’ll see. But now it’s time to go through the original.
Straight path RPGs are a waste of time imo, 13 was sooooo boringI've tried so many times to get into 13. I really have. I just get so bored.
Finally finished Remake. I have my issues with it, (I thought some of the added sections just seemed like busy work to stretch it out) but as a whole, very excellent game, very happy with it. The uncertainty of the plans for this franchise going forward are what really worries me. Wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t see the next installment for many years. Also wouldn’t be surprised if it happened at the end of the PS5’s life cycle. We’ll see. But now it’s time to go through the original.
It will drop before then.
This game's development had so many twists and turns and started in the middle of the PS4 life cycle and still dropped before the PS5. With alot of the nuts and bolts already in place, there won't be as much work to do...
Now of course, designing the major towns and shit may take a ton of time but I'd be shocked if they haven't been working on that already.
Well, I dunno. I've enjoyed some. I don't particularly care for the battle system in 13. The whole game just reeks of... meh.Straight path RPGs are a waste of time imo, 13 was sooooo boring
Junon gonna be insaneIt will drop before then.
This game's development had so many twists and turns and started in the middle of the PS4 life cycle and still dropped before the PS5. With alot of the nuts and bolts already in place, there won't be as much work to do...
Now of course, designing the major towns and shit may take a ton of time but I'd be shocked if they haven't been working on that already.
Junon gonna be insane
Forget it’s own game, the gold saucer is going to need its own consoleThe Gold Saucer is going to be insane.
PS6!Forget it’s own game, the gold saucer is going to need its own console
I haven't seen this posted yet.
GOTY contender. Looks so f***ing good.
I haven't seen this posted yet.
GOTY contender. Looks so f***ing good.
Looks like Assassins Creed.
I never liked X because the character design and world was just a little too... bright for me. I liked VI, VII, VIII, IX which all had more of either brooding characters or medieval type worlds and themes. X just never did it for me, I finished it, and looking back I enjoyed certain elements more in hindsight than I give it credit for, but I could just never get behind Titus or Yuna (and his voice acting). XII was more my style again and then XIII just totally lost me. Hated it. Couldn’t get into XV either, for similar reasons to X. On the surface it’s got a lot of good going for it, but again the characters were a barrier for me; a road trip with “bros” where the lead is a mopey prince just didn’t connect for me.
I loved VI-IX, but in hindsight XI - which was the first MMO I ever played - is my most beloved FF game by many miles. I spent about 9 years in that world. Maybe more. I kept returning. I’d go back today if I owned a computer. I’d play by myself and start at level 1 despite the dated combat and graphics and relatively empty servers. I played XIV for about a year and enjoyed it but it was never the same for me (probably because I played on console and it was so hard to type and play at the same time and I’m too much of an old fart to have any interest in voice chat). Any other MMO I’ve ever tried was barely more than a week or so trial. FFXI was unmatched. Just my opinion. I long for Vana’diel.