Hunter Gathers
The Crown
I didn't accuse you of hating all stats. I accused you of appealing to authority and falling back on "well I've seen him play."
I think you can understand that we're all sick of reading that and why some of us choose to just hide in here at this point. I wasn't upset because you disagreed. I was upset because you brought tired old arguments up that as @silverfish said, are completely subjective and lead to headaches. Call it a "safe space" or whatever if you want, but we like to be objective in here. It's a numbers thread. It exists to avoid conjecture.
I got a little fired up and I was being harsh. For that, I apologize. All I'm saying is, it would be appreciated if you set aside things like character and the opinions of GM's because we come here to NOT talk about that.
All is well, man. You know I forgive and forget. The problem from my end is that I've seen you hot take it up this offseason, my dude. You were going off on any number of things and it was just getting insane. So chalk it all up to pent up shit from both of us. We are both passionate and hard headed at times.