There's a couple of reasons I don't watch intermission or post-game anymore:
1) I don't need to hear the same hockey cliches over and over again
2) They exist to bias you. In the sense that the replays and analysis you see in the intermission and post-game report are things that they want you to see. The reason the hot-takes on HF are so predictable during and after games is that they are always specifically focused around things that are shown on replay during the game, or replay during intermission post-game. Why? Because if you're using the eye-test to evaluate, what are you going to remember more, the 100 or so shot attempt events that happen during the game, or the 5-7 things that MSG shows on replay over and over again and breaks down?
There's a fascinating difference of hot-takes between the people who go to the game, and the people who watch the game on TV.