I feel like this isn't true but I'm hoping you're correct
I think Weekes knows something but is being respectful of his connections with NYR org
Good think I didn't have any call optionsMan, that Pageau trade really tanked the Dow this morning.
It's not JD as in John Davidson at 11am folks. It's JD and in JD and the Straight Shot.
It's not JD as in John Davidson at 11am folks. It's JD and in JD and the Straight Shot.
Would be such a waste to push practice back for that imoA lot of rumors its Lundqvist related and possibly about what they expect to do in the coming hours. But I cannot verify that, it's so strictly hearsay right now.
opening for Billy Joel at the GardenAnnouncement of a new album?
Would be such a waste to push practice back for that imo
if both sides reached a compromise that won’t hurt in the future then it’s a non issue. I think some have this fear that CK will suddenly break down but I honestly don’t see thatpushing back practice to hold a press conference about a contract extension sounds really unlikely but I can't shake this feeling that they really want to keep Kreider and will do it at a cost.
I feel like Nashville did something when they announced the Josi extension a couple months back but I could be wrongIts either that or something Hank related.
When was the last time a GM had an impromptu gathering of the press to announce a contract signing?