Finding Hemingway
Several people here and some hockey pundits saw it the same way, directed at Skinner who was following Drai off ice. Since then people had pointed out that Drais push of the Bench resembled the Skinner pushing the goal thing. I hadn't detected that at first but in watching seemed like it. In anycase I do mention this is not the first time Drai has thrown some shade. He has in postgame comments as well.This was the Florida game? I’m still not sold this was directed at Skinner. Skinner was behind him and Draisaitl looked like he was directing his movement towards the seats and said something to a fan.
Drai is also not above making side comments to demonstrate something. For instance being effusive with praise for Pickard last night and saying the whole team loves playing for him. The timing is interesting. Drai is no dope. He would know the comment would have another side and that perhaps the other goalie thats really struggling also hears the comment. Drai is usually thoughtful with that stuff and careful not to single out praise for one and not the other. He would be fully aware how his comments could be interpreted.