Registered User
I admit, I'm taking some leaps in logic here, mostly based on my inborn willingness to disbelieve that a man could propose such lunacy in the first place... despite already being proven wrong times and again in the past.
The tournament format bit is of course anybody's guess. I simply see that as the most likely (given the total number of games and all) if there are to be only six teams.
And honestly, I can't see how they really would consider a possibility where a collection team could actually be crowned a champion of this... thing. It just wouldn't make much of a marketable narrative. So either they fix things heavily against them in the group stage, or be more honest about it and make 'em a sideshow. Also, somebody must have considered that these groups simply can't play with the same fire and motivation as if they were to represent a "proper" national team. And finally there's the whole issue of getting the concerned federations (not to mention the players themselves) to agree to it. I guess there's not a technical need for it, but bypassing that step could really creep up to them in the future in a number of ways. But eh, could be this is really just me trying to see sense in places where there really is none.
The thing I'm 100% positive about is however that this will NOT be limited to players based in NA only. No way certain feds will agree to that. Those that think they will or figure the NHL has strong-armed them to it by using olympic participation as bait are seriously out of touch with how hockey in Europe works (which is not really a rare thing around here, tbh).
I do remember from 2004 though that the NHL actually had a veto right they could exercise if they did not wish a particular player to participate. But it did not prevent teams from using players based in Europe, and we will see a handful of KHLers in the mix this time round as well. Especially if they really want to have Russia in this, that is a must.
There is another international hockey forum where many users posted stories how the Czech fed got heavily strong-armed by the NHL to use more NHL Czech players, so the NHL has tampered with team selection in the past. Posts were from years ago.