in 90s - early 2000 that could have been the case. But today, no way the players think like that.
Laine is the only the player who could come, but now they are saying his injury is too bad. Aho and Rantanen are playing in a cup contender teams, this is were the disappointment-factor comes in to the play. As for Hintz, Dallas haven't had a easy year, so in his case the reason for declining could be disappointment again and overall exhaustion.
There's a chance that all of them could have said no, "regular season is still on, im focused on that right now" etc etc.
And just today 7 new players(+Björninen) are joining the camp roster, only 1 player was sent home. And that was due injury. So it just doesn't sound like there's a high end players looking to join the roster, when their NHL season is over.
If the GM offers you 8 million or 1 million, which deal would you take? And some players play for peanuts, because it's their last chance to win the cup. Players who only care about paycheck, usually don't last that long. Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.